
My personal setup and configuration.

Primary LanguageLua

krikchaip's dotfiles

@krikchaip's personal configurations including .zshrc, .gitconfig and much more!

One-line install

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- -b $HOME/.local/bin init --apply krikchaip

Add a new stuff to the source state (your local dotfile repo)

# for the initial addition
chezmoi add ~/path/to/new/stuff

# if you accidentally make changes to the destination (the actual file)
chezmoi re-add ~/path/to/new/stuff

Modify some configs

# this will open your default text editor
chezmoi edit

# apply the changes
chezmoi apply -v

Pull and apply the latest changes from the remote repo

chezmoi update -v

Clear the state of all run_onchange and run_once scripts

# for run_onchange scripts
chezmoi state delete-bucket --bucket=entryState

# for run_once scripts
chezmoi state delete-bucket --bucket=scriptState