3D Dempster-Shafer SLAM

This repository contains an C++ implementation of the 3D Dempster-Shafer SLAM algorithm. It extends the vinySLAM approach to three-dimensional space.


Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/mishok2503/3D-Dempster-Shafer-SLAM.git
cd 3D-Dempster-Shafer-SLAM


mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
cp ../draw.py .

Prepare input data

You can generate synthetic data using this generator or you can convert some ".bag" files to the required format using bag.ipynb.


./DSSLAM <input-file> [map-file] [> robot-trajectory-file]

Default map-file name is "map.txt".

Draw result map

Firstly install open3d library.

pip install open3d

Then run script.

python draw.py <map-file>

Draw robot trajectory

Trajectory drawing and calculation of Trajectory Root Mean Squared Error can be found in the trajectory.ipynb file.

How it works

Map updating

At the beginning, the robot is placed in the center of mapBuildSteps empty map (the robot is considered a particle point), and the first n scans are applied to the map, without correcting the robot's position, since at least some part of the map is needed for position correction.

The map is updated as follows: for each cell P from the input lidar scan we mark all cells on the path from the robot to this point empty, and all cells in a cube of size 2 * holeSize + 1 centered at P we mark occupied, the closer to the center the more occupied. Marking a cell empty/occupied means to update the cell with some probability of being occupied. Also, each point has a quality, which is some measure of how much confidence the lidar has in the accuracy of the measurement of that point.

Cell models


This type of cell counts the weighted average of all its updates, where weights are the quality at update. Initially the state (probability that it is occupied) of a cell is 0.5 with weight 1. Example: a cell was updated to be empty (probability 0) with quality 1. And then updated that it is occupied (probability 0.7) with quality 0.1. Then the final probability that the cell is occupied is: (0.5 * 1 + 0 * 1 + 0.7 * 0.1) / (1 + 1 + 0.1) = 0.2714.


This type of cell uses the Dempster Shafer theory. Initial cell state:

  • unknown: 0
  • empty: 0.5 * (1 - c)
  • occupied: 0.5 * (1 - c)
  • conflict: c = TDSCell.DEFAULT_CONFLICT.

When cell updating with probability p and quality q, a new cell is created:

  • unknown: 0
  • empty: (1 - p) * (1 - c)
  • occupied: p * (1 - c)
  • conflict: c = max(0.999, TDSCell.DEFAULT_CONFLICT / q)

And then this cell is combined with the current cell by Dempster's rule of combination.

Example: a cell (where TDSCell.DEFAULT_CONFLICT = 0.1) was updated to be empty (probability 0) with quality 1. And then updated that it is occupied (probability 0.7) with quality 0.1. Then the final state is:

  • unknown: 0
  • empty: 0.90756
  • occupied: 0.0756341
  • conflict: 0.0168062.

Probability that a cell is occupied is calculated by the formula: occupied + conflict / 2. In example this is 0.0840372.

Error correction

After the first few steps, the robot begins to correct its position at each step using so-called scan matching. Before updating the map, a samplesCount of copies of the robot is created, but slightly shifted and rotated relative to the original by a random value with a normal distribution. Then a score is calculated for each of them, which indicates how well the new lidar scan fits into the existing map. Score is calculated as follows: From the point of the new lidar scan, select those that indicate occupancy (those not farther than the maximum measurement). Then for each of them we take the extent to which the cell in which this point falls is occupied and multiply it by the quality of the point. And then summarize all the values. After that we select the robot with the maximum score and consider that this is the actual position of the robot and perform all further steps in relation to it.

If you want to get the trajectory and map without corrections (e.g. to get ground_truth trajectory) set isGroundTruth = true.