
// "start": "webpack serve  --hot --open",
// "build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode production"

Front End

  • Ability to enter data and send it to the backend (POST). Create function to send this data onclick of Button

Expenses Price Vendor Category (food, clothes, etc) Date

Bank Information Liquid Cash Bank Name

Investments Broker -Stock Value 401k -401k Value

Debt Credit Card Debt -Debt Value Student Loans -Student Loan Amount

-Receive data from backend to display on page (GET) with onclick function- -Remove expenses by sending (DELETE) request from backend, also refreses display with new updated data?

Server - Get request: get data that has already been inputed (loads on start) - Post request: for inputing data - Delete request: delte inputed data -


Backend - setup sql database (what one?)