
R3F-RainbowGLSL is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides vibrant syntax highlighting for GLSL code embedded within TypeScript or Javascript files. It is designed to elevate your coding experience by helping you to distinguish variables, functions, and datatypes with ease.

R3F-RainbowGLSL is perfect for both 3D web development veterans and beginners eager to dive into the world of shaders. Add a burst of color to your React Three Fiber applications and let R3F-RainbowGLSL color your coding world!


  • Syntax highlighting for GLSL code in TypeScript or Javascript files
  • Helps differentiate variables, functions, and datatypes in GLSL
  • Perfect for 3D web development



  1. Install the extension from Visual Studio Marketplace.
  2. Open a TypeScript or Javascript file with GLSL code.
  3. Enjoy the vibrant syntax highlighting.

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