
This is a layui-autocomplete module

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A layui autocomplete module

I'm writing a project which uses layui as my front end framework, but I found it does not have an autocomplete module.

So let me make one.

How to use it

  1. Copy files from src folder into you project. There are simply two files in the folder, one js , one css. Copy them into your css folder and js folder.
  1. Import css file in the top of your html file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/css/layuiAutocomplete.css">
  1. Use the module in layui 2 standard way
            base: '/public/js/' //假设这是layuiAutocomplete.js所在的目录
        }).extend({ //设定模块别名
            autocomplete: 'layAutoComplete'
  1. Use it in your module or code
layui.define(['autocomplete'], function (exports) {
        element: '#user-department',
        array: departmentList


It is quite easy to use it, just like other layui modules.

You just need write a standard layui input as following

<input type='text' class="layui-input" name="department" id="user-department">

then in your module

    element: '#user-department', // 必填项
    array: departmentList

About config

There is a configuration object in autocomplete function.

Here is the complete one

        num: 2, /*how many characters while trigger autocomplete*/
        array: [{name:'北京',pinyin:'beijing',description:'**的首都'}],/*a local array which contains all elements, you can ignore this if your data is from remote.*/
        display: 'name', /* the display property in the search list,if you don't set it,then it will treat list item as display label directly */
        shortcut: 'pinyin',/*except 'display' property which you can also use to search items. For example: when type “北京”, you may also type 'beijing' to search it, if you put 'beijing' in pinyin property */
        url: 'url', /*remote url, where you can fetch data, a param 'search' will pass the words you input with post method.*/
        query: {},/* what you may want to put into remote query also*/
        resArray: 'data', /* which real data list property name in remote respose */
        element: '#cssselector', /*the input element css selector, required no matter you create or update*/
        count: 10, /* how many to display most in the search list*/
        done: function /*if you want to do something after an item is selected, then write a function here. And the selected item will be passed.*/

An example

<div class="layui-inline">
    <label class="layui-form-label" style="width:60px">所属单位</label>
    <div class="layui-input-inline" style="width:180;">
        <input type='text' class="layui-input" name="department" id="user-department">
        base: '/public/js/' //假设这是test.js所在的目录
    }).extend({ //设定模块别名
        autocomplete: 'layAutoComplete'
    layui.use(['autocomplete'], function () {
        var departmentList = [{name:'北京市',pinyin:'beijingshi'},{name:'上海市',pinyin:'shanghaishi'},{name:'南京市',pinyin:'nanjingshi'},{name:'天津市',pinyin:'tianjingshi'},{name:'重庆市',pinyin:'chongqingshi'}]
            element: '#user-department',
            array: departmentList,


Check above example in example folder please.

At last

Long live bugs, you can help to improve.