
Execute mongodb queries within org-mode blocks.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Org Babel Mongo

Support for MongoDB queries in org-mode blocks, like so:

db.employees.count({country: "gb"});

: 15


If you’re hooked up to MELPA:

M-x package-refresh-contents
M-x package-install RET ob-mongo

Alternatively just grab the single ob-mongo.el file and install that in your preferred way.


Alpha. Safe to use, but feature-poor. It’s still better than it not existing at all. ;-)


Each block supports the following arguments:

:dbDatabase name.#+BEGIN_SRC mongo :db staffNone.
:hostHost#+BEGIN_SRC mongo :host localhostNone.
:portPort#+BEGIN_SRC mongo :port 27018None.
:userUsername#+BEGIN_SRC mongo :user rootNone.
:passwordPassword#+BEGIN_SRC mongo :password superwordNone.
:mongoexecMongo executable#+BEGIN_SRC mongo :mongoexec mongo26“mongo”

All defaults are customizable with M-x customize-group RET ob-mongo.