
This repo is intended to measure performance of all popular Node.js web frameworks alongside with the ORM.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Benchmark Tool

This repo is intended to measure performance of all popular Node.js web frameworks alongside with the ORM.

List of web framework included in test:

List of ORM included in test:


Running benchmark

npx tsc --project .
node bench.js

Running individual web framework + specific ORM:

npx tsc --project .
# node index.js [web-framework] [orm]
node index.js bare static # open http://localhost:3000

To run the ORM benchmark:

  1. You need to have a MySQL running in your machine.
  2. Create a database and import the CountryCodes.sql file.
mysql -u root -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE Geo' # create new database
mysql -u root -p Geo < CountryCodes.sql   # import from file

Project Structure


The app folder contains web framework entrypoint. Meanwhile the orm folder contains ORM definition.

Writing New Web Framework to be Tested

// @ts-check
'use strict'

const c = require('../constanta')

 * @param {() => Promise<import("../lib").ICountryCodePair[]>} fetchAll
const createApp = fetchAll => {
  // 1. Initialize your application
  const app = new MyApp()

  // 2. Overview: fetchAll is an async function, your ROOT route of your application
  //    should be able to handle incoming GET request.
  app.get('/', (req, res) => {
      .then(data => {
        // If there is no error:
        // 2.1. The status code must be 200.
        // 2.2. The response must have `Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8` header.
        // 2.3. The response body must be a valid JSON, which it must be the representation of
        //      anything that fetchAll function returns.
      .catch(error => {
        // If there's an error:
        // 2.4. The status code must be 500.
        // 2.5. The response must have `Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8` header.
        // 2.6. The response body must be a valid JSON, which it must be the representation of
        //      { message: string }
        res.status(500).json({ message: error.message )

  // 3. The application must listen on port 3000.
  app.listen(3000, () => {
    // 3.1. After the application ready to serve connection, send a message to parent process.
    process.send && process.send(c['SERVER_EVENT::SERVER_START'])

Writing New ORM to be Tested

// @ts-check
'use strict'

// The ORM should use MySQL as it's datasource
const orm = new MyOrm({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 's3cr3t',
  database: 'Geo',
  // If you use pool connection, use this configuration:
  // - minimum number of connection in your pool: 5
  // - maximum number of connection in your pool: 50
  pool: {
    min: 5,
    max: 50

 * @returns {Promise<import("../lib").ICountryCodePair[]>}
const fetchAll = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // The fetchAll should get all contents in `CountryCodes` table.
  orm.fetchAll('CountryCodes', (err, result) {
    if (err) {


// Lastly, export the fetchAll function.
exports.fetchAll = fetchAll



  • ORM: static
  • AWS tier: t2.large
  • Node.js version: v11.13.0
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
  • Kernel: 4.15.0-1032-aws
  • Commit ID: 40a1bde
│     (index)      │ Request (rps) │ Latency (ms) │ Throughput (Mbps) │
│  fastify:static  │   7,841.280   │    12.563    │      210.710      │
│  foxify:static   │   7,698.963   │    12.790    │      206.539      │
│  connect:static  │   7,459.340   │    13.197    │      200.108      │
│   bare:static    │   7,458.003   │    13.193    │      200.058      │
│    koa:static    │   7,138.040   │    13.787    │      191.502      │
│   hapi:static    │   5,527.333   │    17.887    │      149.684      │
│  express:static  │   5,502.013   │    17.963    │      148.947      │
│  restify:static  │   4,582.670   │    21.447    │      123.172      │
│ moleculer:static │   4,099.633   │    24.023    │      109.964      │