R2T2(RealTime Ray Tracing)

r2t2 is a realtime raytracing renderer we built as the final project for the Computer Graphics (EX603) course at Pulchowk Campus. It started off as an implementation of the Raytracing in One Weekend book, and we added more features on top.

  • Parallel rendering on all available CPU cores (with OpenMP)
  • An immediate mode gui (SDL+DearImGUI) with camera controls
  • Triangle rendering and uv mapping
  • OBJ file support (with tinyobj)
  • Incremental rendering (averaging samples across time)


Tilicho lake(located in the Manang district of Nepal), ~8000 triangles, uv mapped satellite Imagery rendered by our Ray Tracer

Rendered image of random spheres with different materials in them

Sphere with uv mapped image of Earth Map along with light source above

Diffuse and dielectric materials, perlin noise and uv mapping with image texture

Showcasing soft focus, large aperture in camera and circular bokeh due to circular aperture shape



git clone https://github.com/binitkc220/Ray_Tracing/ --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1


./bin/release/rt > image.ppm