
Personal dotfile collection mainly for vim, zsh and tmux

Primary LanguageVimLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

YAY! Dotfiles.

Repository of my personally used dotfiles mostly based around the triumvirate of vim, zsh and tmux. Should work on OSX and Linux (tested on Debian).

Currently aims to be a development environment for Python, JavaScript, C, C++ and Go.





  • git
  • tmux
  • vim (with ruby bindings)
  • zsh >= 4.3
  • Exuberant Ctags (not the ctags that ships with OSX)
  • The terminal emulator has to use a patched font. Otherwise the vim-powerline and the tmux status line will not work properly. Get one from here.
  • Solarized color scheme for the terminal emulator.
  • For Python syntax checking: flake8 (pip install flake8)
  • For JavaScript support in vim: jsctags and JSHint

Actual installation

It has to be installed to ~/.dotfiles as otherwise it is just a pain to deal with relative path in all the different ways. This makes it possible to use absolute paths and thus avoids all these pitfalls.

git clone https://github.com/krischer/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
# The install script will init and update all submodules and symlink all
# necessary files.
sh install_dotfiles.sh
# Optional: Change the default shell to zsh
chsh -s `which zsh`

Vim configuration

General shortcuts

,sv<space>| (Source Vim) source (aka reload) the vimrc
vap       | (Visual Around Paragraph) visually select this paragraph.
ci"       | (Change Inside ") change inside the double quotes
ci'       | (Change Inside ') change inside the single quotes
cib       | (Change Inside Bracket) change inside brackets
diw       | (Delete Inside Word) delete the current word
gg=G      | Autoindent (=) the whole file

How to use folding in vim

zf#j      | Creates a fold from the cursor down # lines.
zf/string | Creates a fold from the cursor to string .
zj        | Moves the cursor to the next fold.
zk        | Moves the cursor to the previous fold.
zo        | Opens a fold at the cursor.
zO        | Opens all folds at the cursor.
zm        | Increases the foldlevel by one.
zM        | Closes all open folds.
zr        | Decreases the foldlevel by one.
zR        | Decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open.
zd        | Deletes the fold at the cursor.
zE        | Deletes all folds.
[z        | Move to start of open fold.
]z        | Move to end of open fold.

(from here)

Regex in vim

.  any character except new line
\s whitespace character                      \S non-whitespace character
\d digit                                     \D non-digit
\x hex digit                                 \X non-hex digit
\o octal digit                               \O non-octal digit
\h head of word character (a-z,A-Z, and _)   \H non-head of word character
\p printable character                       \P like \p, but excluding digits
\w word character                            \W non-word character
\a alphabetic character                      \A non-alphabetic character
\l lowercase character                       \L non-lowercase character
\u uppercase character                       \U non-uppercase character

*      matches 0 or more of the preceding characters
.*     matches everything including an empty line
\+     matches 1 or more of the preceding characters
\=     matches 0 or 1 more of the preceding characters
\{n,m} matches from n to m of the precedingding characters
\{n}   matches exactly n times of the preceding characterscters
\{,m}  matches at most m (from 0 to m) of the preceding characters
\{n,}  matches at least n of of the preceding characters
where n and m are positive integers (>0)

(from http://vimregex.com - also has much much more info on vim regex)

EasyMotion plugin

Incredibly useful! Hard to describe how it works. Just try it and you will see.

;;w       | Beginning of word forward
;;W       | Beginning of WORD forward
;;f{char} | Find {char} to the right
;;F{char} | Find {char} to the left
;;t{char} | Till before the {char} to the right
;;T{char} | Till after the {char} to the left
;;w       | Beginning of word forward
;;W       | Beginning of WORD forward
;;b       | Beginning of word backward
;;B       | Beginning of WORD backward
;;e       | End of word forward
;;E       | End of WORD forward
;;ge      | End of word backward
;;gE      | End of WORD backward
;;j       | Line downward
;;k       | Line upward
;;n       | Jump to latest "/" or "?" forward
;;N       | Jump to latest "/" or "?" backward


Selecting something in visual mode and then pressing S and a char wraps the selection with the char.

cs"'      | (Changes Surrounding " to ')
ds'       | (Delete Surrounding ')
ysiwb     | (Yank Surround Inside Word Bracket) Surround the current word with brackets.
ysiw[     | (Yank Surround Inside Word [) Wrap word with square brackets and one space.
ysiw]     | (Yank Surround Inside Word [) Wrap word with square brackets without spaces.
ysiw<em>  | Surround word with <em>word</em>. Correctly closes the ending tag.

Special ss always wraps the whole line ignoring leading whitespaces.

yssb      | (Yank Surround Brackets) Surround the current line with brackets.


,c<space> | Toggle commenting of line/visual selection
,cA       | Add comment at the end of the current line


,s<space> | Toggle Syntastic. Useful as it is slow for very large files.
,er       | Toggle the Syntax error window. Off by default.


MRU = Most Recently Used files

Ctrl-p    | Invoke CtrlP

If CtrlP is open:
Ctrl-f    | Cycle modes (files, mru, buffers)
Ctrl-d    | Filename search only, not full path
Ctrl-r    | Switch to regex mode
Ctrl-z    | Mark multiple files and then open them with Ctrl-o


Provides an argument (a function argument in code) text-object, 'a'. Its quite smart about different programming language.

daa       | (Delete an argument)
dia       | (Delete inner argument) - does not delete the following colon.
cia       | (Change inner argument)


,ig       | Toggle indent guides. Off by default.


   :Ack [options] {pattern} [{directory}] (use --python, --c to search only in specific files)

In the quickfix window
o         | to open (same as enter)
go        | to preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results)
v         | to open in vertical split
q         | to close the quickfix window

Latex specific things

,fs       | (format sentence) Takes the current sentence, and indents all lines beloning to it.

Go specific things

:Fmt      | Run gofmt on the currently open buffer (Autoruns upon buffer saving anyways)

Profiling vim's startup process

vim --startuptime vim.log