
Functional testing suite for SeisHub

Primary LanguagePython

Functional testing suite for SeisHub.

The goal is to treat SeisHub as a black box and just test its behaviour. This is not meant to replace the SeisHub internal unit tests but rather augment and complement it. Certain things are just hard/impossible to test with unit testing, especially in a complex software package.

So far it is very simple but the plan is to enhance it quite a bit.

Currently only works with this SeisHub branch:



  • seishub.core
  • setuptools
  • colorama


Checkout the repository

git clone https://github.com/krischer/seishub.functional_tests
cd seishub.functional_tests

and then either

python setup.py install

or (if you prefer pip and have it installed)

pip install .

should do the trick.


python -m seishub.functional_tests

By default stdout, stderr, and stdin from the SeisHub server are caught by the test runner. To enable debugging, e.g. setting a trace or something similar, this must not be the case. Disable it with

python -m seishub.functional_tests debug