
Set of 1 parent stack with three child stacks


Set of 1 parent stack with 3 nested stacks (rds, skeleton, app/ec2)

These nested templates create:

  • VPC
  • Bastion host (in autoscaling group)
  • Autoscaling group with Apache webservers (2 az's, 2 private subnets)
    • Monitoring (mem-utilized) and Apache logs aggregation in Cloudwatch
    • Notifications through SNS on scale-ups, scale-downs or failure
  • NAT gateway
  • RDS cluster (multi-az)
  • ALB


  • In this setup the RDS stack is a nested stack. If any change with the other stacks goes wrong you could easily corrupt your precious data. If you're using this setup for production it's wise to create a seperate rds stack and use the import/export- values functionality instead. If anything goes wrong you'll at least still have your unharmed database stack. Takes a lot less time waiting for cfn stacks to build too ;-)

  • No nACL's are configured. Please do so when using this template for any form of production environment!

Stating the obvious:

  • Please change the URL's in the Parent Stack to where ever you have placed your templates.
  • AMI is region specific so please check what AMI's are available in your region of choice. Consider adding mapping for AMI's per region.