Backend Engineering Interview Assignment (Golang)


To run this project you need to have the following installed:

  1. Go version 1.21

  2. GNU Make

  3. oapi-codegen

    Install the latest version with:

    go install
  4. mock

    Install the latest version with:

    go install
  5. Docker version 20

    We will use this for testing your API.

  6. Docker Compose version 1.29

  7. Node v20

    We will use this for testing your API

  8. NPM v10

    We will use this for testing your API.

Initiate The Project

To start working, execute

make init


You should be able to run using the script


You may see some errors since you have not created the API yet.

However for testing, you can use Docker run the project, run the following command:

docke -compose up --build

You should be able to access the API at http://localhost:8080

If you change database.sql file, you need to reinitate the database by running:

docker compose down --volumes


To run test, run the following command:

make test