
Custom Gatling Feeder voor connecting to a Druid cluster to get info

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Custom Gatling Feeder voor connecting to a Druid cluster to get info

How to use

There are 2 different ways you can use this feeder

  • With standard case class combined with a conversion method to output the contents of the case class as a Map
  • With a case class which extends the FeedElementBuilder


bare case class with conversion method

import com.godatadriven.gatling.feeder.druid.DruidTimeSeriesQueryFeeder
import ing.wbaa.druid.definitions.{Aggregation, Dimension}
import ing.wbaa.druid.query.TimeSeriesQuery

case class TimeseriesCount(count: Int)

val timeSeriesQuery = TimeSeriesQuery[TimeseriesCount](
    aggregations = List(
        kind = "count",
        name = "count",
        fieldName = "count"
    granularity = "hour",
    intervals = List("2011-06-01/2017-06-01")

def convert(p: TimeseriesCount): Map[String, Int] = {
  Map("counter" -> p.count)

val feeder: Seq[Map[String, Int]] = DruidTimeSeriesQueryFeeder[TimeseriesCount, Int](
  timeSeriesQuery, convert _

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import com.godatadriven.gatling.feeder.druid.Predef._


case class extending the FeedElementBuilder

import com.godatadriven.gatling.feeder.druid.FeedElementBuilder
import com.godatadriven.gatling.feeder.druid.DruidTimeSeriesQueryFeeder
import ing.wbaa.druid.definitions.{Aggregation, Dimension}
import ing.wbaa.druid.query.TimeSeriesQuery

case class TimeseriesCountWithFeedElementBuilder(count: Int) 
  extends FeedElementBuilder[Int] {
    override def toFeedElement = Map("counter" -> count)

val timeSeriesQuery = TimeSeriesQuery[TimeseriesCountWithFeedElementBuilder](
    aggregations = List(
        kind = "count",
        name = "count",
        fieldName = "count"
    granularity = "hour",
    intervals = List("2011-06-01/2017-06-01")

val feeder: Seq[Map[String, Int]] = 
DruidTimeSeriesQueryFeeder[TimeseriesCountWithFeedElementBuilder, Int](

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import com.godatadriven.gatling.feeder.druid.Predef._


How to build


Test need a druid docker container running. The command for that is:

docker run --rm -i -p 8082:8082 -p 8081:8081 fokkodriesprong/docker-druid

This is the same docker image used for testing the scruid library

Testing can be run with:

sbt test



Sonatype login

For publishing a sonatype login is required. Credential details can be put in a file called ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt in the format

credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
GPG key

The sbt-gpg plugin uses the gpg commandline tool. On a Mac this can be installed and configured with the following commands:

brew install gnupg gnupg2
gpg --gen-key
gpg --list-keys
gpg --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --send-keys <KEY-UUID>

Publishing a SNAPSHOT version

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
sbt publishSigned

Publishing a RELEASE version

After changing the version in build.sbt to a non snapshot version number

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
sbt publishSigned
sbt sonatypeRelease