
This is the backend Server for the PARSS application. It uses Lambda and the Dynamoose. It acts as a REST end point for the client side authenticated with the help of the amazon cognito

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSCI5409 Project

This repository contains the back end code of the Blog management application built using Node, Express, and dynamoose(Document DB).

The code is deployed in the AWS Lambda instances as shown in the proposed cloud architecture design. The endpoints are exposed to the frontend with the help of API Gateway service. The Users consuming this resources are authenticated with the help of AWS Cognito.


This project is guided by Dr Jaume Manero. A simple demo explanation on the architecture design and web application - Demo

The projects Frontend is located at - Frontend

  • Date Created: 21 07 2021
  • Last Modification Date: 13 08 2021