The project groups scrapped News headlines using NLTK, KMeans and Ward Hierarchical Method.
Scrap/Extract data using BeautifulSoup
Clean data to remove punctuation, numbers, white spaces and convert the text to lower case
Tokenize and Stem Data using NLTK
Convert words to Vector Space using TFIDF matrix
Calculate Cosine Similarity and generate the distance matrix
Generate Clusters using KMeans clustering algorithm
Dimensionality reduction using MDS
Visualization of clusters using matplotlib
Tokenize and Stem Data using NLTK
Convert words to Vector Space using TFIDF matrix
Calculate Cosine Similarity and generate the distance matrix
Hierarchical clustering using Ward Method
Visualization of clusters using matplotlib
The different processes and algorithms used are explained in Clustering News Headlines
python 3 pip install requirements.txt
Run below from python command line
import nltk'all')