
This shell program will check the status of the given service as the commandline arguments. If a particular service is not up then It will bring up by the checksrv.sh program.

Primary LanguageShell

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Author ::krishees@gmail.com						+
Features,								+
Check the status of the given services (as a command line argument) 	+
and if that particular service is in down status./checksrv.sh <service> +	
program can turn up the particular service.				+
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pattern->								+
./checksrv.sh <service-1> <service-2>.....<service-n>			+
ex-> for httpd and mysqld						+
./checksrv.sh httpd mysqld						+
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Usage->									+
Using crontab (crontab -e)						+	
* * * * *  ./checksrv.sh <service> 					+
Check the status of the service every 60 seconds and if the particular 	+
service not up then the ./checksrv.sh will bring up the particular 	+ 
services 									+
Using inittab	(/etc/inittab)						+
Check the status of a service after particular run-level reset. After 	+
particular run-level change and if particular service is not up then    +
 ./checksrv.sh will bring up  the particular services 			+
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