
Go Daemon to track Postgres switch-overs

Primary LanguageGo

Repmgr Haproxy Daemon

Go Daemon to track Postgres switch-overs

To build the application

  1. Download the go binaries to local system
        wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz 
  2. Extract the tar file and set the path
        sudo tar -xvf go1.15.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
        sudo mv go /usr/local
        export GOROOT=/usr/local/go 
        export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH 
        # To verify the installation
        go version
  3. Clone and Build the application
        git clone https://code.unitiwireless.com/uniti-wireless/repmgr-haproxy-daemon.git
        cd repmgr-haproxy-daemon
        go build .

To run the application (Stand alone mode)

The application can be run as one of three modes,
1. Server only mode ./harepd -f /conf/file/location.yml --server-only
2. Client only mode ./harepd -f /conf/file/location.yml --client-only
3. Dual mode (server and client) ./harepd -f /conf/file/location.yml
Ensure to make a backup of pg_hba.conf before proceedingĂźto
Prior to run the application,

  1. Create the config(yml) file using which follows the below template
            nodeName: "node_1"
            primaryIP: ""
            allowRO: false
            hbaConfig: "/etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf"
                - ""
                  readOnly: "haro"
                  readWrite: "harw"
                allow: "md5"
                deny: "reject"
                user: "repmgr"
                db: "repmgr"
                enabled: false
                ca: "/etc/harepd/ca_cert.pem"
                cert: "/etc/harepd/server_cert.pem"
                key: "/etc/harepd/server_key.pem"
                bindPort: 10000
                bindAddress: ""
                serverHostOverride: ""
                - ""
                witness: ""
                connectionDeadline: 5
            watchDog: 15
                filePath: /var/log/harepd.log
                maxAge: 86400
                rotationTime: 604800
  • nodeName: Exactly as repmgr config
  • primaryIp: IP address used in Postgres replication
  • allowRO: false If the slave nodes supposed to serve the read only traffic
  • readOnly: "haro" If allowRo is set, a user who is supposed test accessibility on the slave database
  • hbaConfig: Path to pg_hba.conf file
  • haproxy.server: Ip of the HAProxy server
  • haproxy.users.readWrite: "harw" This is a mandatory field that specifies the user who is supposed facilitate health check quarries (For writability)
  • haproxy.users.readOnly: "haro" This is an optional field that specifies the user who is supposed facilitate health check quarries (For ReadOnly) Note that this will be only used if it is required to send ReadOnly traffic to Slave nodes
  • haproxy.authModes.<allow/deny>: This will be used to alter the pg_hba.conf file
  • gRPC.tls.<*>: TLS configuration for gRPC
  • gRPC.bindPort: gRPC server port
  • gRPC.bindAddress: IP to associate with gRPC server
  • gRPC.neighbours:"<ip>:<port>" List if neighbours who are listening to HAREPD-Clients
  • gRPC.witness:"<ip>:<port>" IP of the witness node who is listening to HAREPD-Clients
  • gRPC.connectionDeadline: How long should a client wait for a neighbour to response
  • watchDog: If the application should run on Dual mode, how frequent the client should send the inquiries
  • logs.filePath : Location of the log file, if you should change this path, ensure that changes are accordingly reflected on the systemd definitions (harepd-client.service, harepd-server.service)

Bootstrap sequence

As a best practice it is recommended to bootstrap the application according to the following sequence,

  • Start server only mode on each node including the witness
  • Start client only mode on Slave node
  • Start client only mode on Master nodes
    Note that since the witness node is not required to serve the traffic client is not required run on the witness
    In a scenario where the daemon should be stopped, prior to stop the sever service, it is must to stop client
  1. Make sure to run the application by using postgres user
        ./harepd -f /conf/file/location.yml
    Make sure logs are allowed written on the given location

To run the application in Production

Ensure that you have root access to your postgres nodes and create systemd service definition. It is required to create two separate services for client and server.
Create the following server service definition in : /etc/systemd/system/harepd-server.service

    Description=harepd server daemon. To start/stop the grpc server

    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/harepd -f /etc/harepd/conf.yml --server-only
    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/touch /var/log/harepd.log
    ExecStartPre=/bin/chown postgres /var/log/harepd.log


Ensure that the binaries which was build earlier and config files have been copied to desired location.
Create the following client service definition in : /etc/systemd/system/harepd-client.service

    # Use timers if client ought to run longer than expected
    Description=harepd client to discover the truth

    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/harepd -f /etc/harepd/conf.yml --client-only
    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/touch /var/log/harepd.log
    ExecStartPre=/bin/chown postgres /var/log/harepd.log


Finally, start client and server service.

    systemctl start harepd-server.service
    systemctl start harepd-client.service


gRPC has been to messaging. messaging.proto describes the specification of the message.

    syntax = "proto3";
    package models;
    service ClusterInfo {
        rpc GetClusterInfo(WhatYouKnow) returns (IKnow){}

    message WhatYouKnow{
        string ip = 1;
        int32 nodeId = 2;
        string nodeName = 3;

    message IKnow{
        string ip = 1;
        int32 nodeId = 2;
        string nodeName = 3;
        string witness = 4;
        repeated string slaves = 5;
        repeated string master = 6;

As describes, any node in the cluster can make an inquiry to their neighbours about their awareness. In that case the neighbour will act as the server and send their opinion regards to the cluster. Further, clients are responsible to adjust their configuration depending on their neighbours opinions. The decision making is solely client's responsible.
Refer logic.go to more information on decision making.

Anatomy of Altering Rules

To regulate the traffic between master and slave nodes, a combination of postgres and haproxy configuration has been used.
Prior to sending the traffic HAProxy runs a health check on the Postgres servers. In this case HAProxy is trying to authenticate to a dummy database which may considered as unsuccessful in case if the Postgres server straight away rejects the request. Simply the application alter the pg_hba.conf file using two different methods depending on the context.

  1. For Master nodes AlterRule()
    By loading the pg_hba.conf to a temporary table and altering the rule, and then save the changes to the file, application make alteration to the Master node's file.
    This method is deprecated to maintain the consistency of the program
    Without accessing the filesystem directly
  2. For Master and Slave nodes AlterRuleLegacy()
    Generally, Slave nodes are supposed to be readonly, in this case application directly access the node's file system and do the alterations


The behaviour of the application can be changed by altering logic.go which belongs to the package main. For the time being, the following logic has been implemented,