
Chat App with all functionality private chat, contacts, friends request, find friends,for profile settings image cropper functionality, settings, logout also send text, image and all type of files, delete your files for you and everyone , login with email and mobile number and real time database firebase and for notification purpose Node Js used.

Primary LanguageJava


It is an open-source app with real-time messaging using Firebase and Node Js.

Note: I am working on a new version Android Studio 3.6

Don't Forget to Subscribe My Channel , like video and share to your friends. If you want to learn any new things then comment over that. We will make new video on that As soon As Possible.


  • Login with email or Phone Number
  • Private messaging (one to one)
  • Rich messaging(text, image, pdf, word, all other files)
  • For sender Delete message for me or everyone
  • For Receiver Delete message for me
  • If image then View in full screen
  • Push Notification
  • For profile settings Image cropper functions
  • Powered by Firebase
  • Firebase UI
  • If Any files then download and View it
  • Find friends
  • All candidate details with Username and status
  • For sender Send chat Request and also cancel that request
  • For receiver Accept chat request and delete that request
  • If Request accept then its came to contact details
  • User send request then receiver get notification (Using Node Js)






Downloading the source code

You can download complete Chat App source code as a Zip file. you will have to download the complete source code everytime it is updated on the repository.

Stay Up to date

It is important for you stay up to date with the new features, latest updates and bug fixing. Ensure to Star( * ) the project on Github and get notified whenever any update coming.

Take this steps to download ChatApp

Note: Make sure you can use latest android version 3.6

  1. First Launch Android Studio
  2. Open the download folder and unzip ChatApp-master.zip file.
  3. Open the project name ChatApp from the folder where you have downloaded the code using menu File -> Open
  4. It may take a while to build the project for the first time.
  5. Once the build is over, run on the device using menu Run -> Run (app) (Launch app in emulator or phone)
  6. You can see a login page as above.


For any query or suggestions you can contact me :
Email: kdkamani00@gmail.com