A new FLutter Project which is actually a Mobile application for NodeBB will increase the application’s accessibility while also improving user participation.
IRIS-NodeBB Forum was deployed to bring together the diverse interests, knowledge, and experience of NITK students under a single platform that encourages users to discuss ideas, opinions, and suggestions. Students and graduates from diverse backgrounds and domains can use the forum to interact, connect, expand their knowledge and gain a better perspective. Currently, the forum is only available as a web application. NodeBB, provides REST APIs, but does not have a mobile application similar to that of Telegram. The main goal of this project is to develop a mobile app for NodeBB using the already available REST APIs. Developing a mobile application for NodeBB will increase the application’s accessibility while also improving user participation.
- Flutter
- Dart
- restApi
- hive
- Firebase
- Bloc Statemanagement