
practice todo application using reactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A todo Application Tech stacks : Nodejs, MongoDB, Express , Reactjs Features:

  1. Can sign up/ sign in
  2. add/update/remove todo
  3. can mark done todo
  4. view the existing todo

Folder structure:

  1. backend
  2. Frontend

Backend :

  1. initailization , npm init -y
  2. add express http server and routes
  3. add zod validation and types input
  4. connecting to database.


  1. boilerplate : npm create vite@latest
  2. npm install , isntall dependencies
  3. create components; craeting states; solving cors issues;
  4. connecting frontend to the backend

Issue :

  1. any frontend can hit the backend
  2. didn't use useeffect hence infinite requests loops