
for segmentation of prostate

Primary LanguagePython

For segmentation of Prostate

Python 3.6.0,
Tensorflow 1.8.0,
rest of the requirements are mentioned in the "requirements.txt" file.

I) To clone the git repository.
git clone https://github.com/krishnabits001/prostate_seg.git

II) Install python, required packages and tensorflow.
Then, install python packages required using below command or the packages mentioned in the file.
pip install -r requirements.txt

To install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-gpu=1.8.0

III) Config files contents : One can modify the contents of the below config file to run the required inference.
We can set the target resolution and image dimensions here.
Target resolution of (0.625,0.625) and image dimensions of (256,256) used for training of the model are mentioned in this file.

IV) For inference to get segmentation mask on an input test image use the below command (also mentioned in the code/train_model/inf_script.sh) :
Specify the path of the input image in the variable "ip_path" as specified below.
The output segmentation mask would be stored in the same path as "ip_path" with the name "pred_mask.nii.gz". Alternatively if you want the segmentation mask to be stored in a different path you can specify it in the variable "out_path" at run time.

cd code/train_model/
python inference.py --ip_path='/usr/krishnch/datasets/prostate/001/img.nii.gz'