
Utility Angular directive to peek behind overlay panels and dialogs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Utility directive to peek behind overlay panels and dialogs.


<div class="cdk-overlay-pane dialog">
	<!--Nested inside-->

Setting showPanel = false will fade away the dialog and showPanel = true will fade it in.


Input Type Value Default
libPeekBehind string Class to identify parent overlay dialog. 'cdk-overlay-dialog'
libPeekBehindTrigger boolean This input triggers the fade in/out transitions.
true will fade in the dialog.
false will fade out the dialog.

Fallback directive

libPeekBehind directive uses Angular's Animations and AnimationBuilder under the hood. In case you are not happy with the responsiveness, consider using libPeekBehindListener which relies on @HostListeners to do the job.

In libPeekBehindListener, the peeker will listen for mousedown event on the attached element to fade out and document:mouseup event to fade in, custom trigger cannot be configured -


Input Type Value Default
libPeekBehindListener string Class to identify parent overlay dialog. 'cdk-overlay-dialog'


<div class="cdk-overlay-pane dialog">
	<!--Nested inside-->