Welcome to github
Here you can learn basics of github
Step 1 click for new repository on your browser github after Login the side image for knowing Where to do
Step 2 In Repository name give some space/hiphens or if you give space it automatically converted to hiphens( - ) ok
the side image for knowing Where to do
Step 3 Always put repository in public mode because any one can contribute to your code anyone can use this called as Opensource Ok the side image for knowing Where to do
please follow the instructions for you guys please follow this why we initialize readme.md file beacuse you can write your own project documentation overtheir for easy understanding for project for anyone who is interested in our project and who want ot contribute the project ok for that you to initailize readme.md file ok
and lastly why need to initialize license if you think you have to show your name in license and it is opensource license you can give it to your project ok
why CONTRIBUTING.md file we have to add in our repository for giving instrunctions how to contribute to the project ok
Last instuctions you do same with desktop version of github simply you to create folder and push new file to that ok and if someone sends you pull request for creating changes in your code you have to go through it and then click to merge in your code and this all about basics of github You can write documentation of project using html you all guys known that language :) if you think you comfortable with CLI (command line interface ) you can see basic gitbash pdf in this repository for that you need to install gitbash in your system accordingly to the os flavour ok .
final Thoughts
Github is really good platform to showcase your skills mark my words believe in god believe in yourself believe in me Opensource is Future
so contribute to the opensource community Hope you get the basics github demo Thank You all stay tuned
This is not going to waste your time if you are begginer to github Ok PR(pull requests) and suggestions/changes are always welcome
Bonus Tips By me
You can add your all good projects to the github and give the link of your github repository project on linkedin project section add credentials and submit so recruiter can see that ok like that i also did on my linkedin profile Thank you
Above all documentation written in plane html code :)
- Krishna kakade - krishnadevz