
hello githubers this project is all about the analyzing movie using twitter api tweets in r predicting the result of movie using live tweets 2018

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Instructions how to setup for project

hello githubers this project is all about the analyzing movie using twitter api tweets in r predicting the result of movie using live tweets

Steps how project is going to work

1.first you need a account on twitter api (twitter developer account you need so you have create that ).

2.Then you need to paste that (keys ex:- token keys )in that authentication code so you have to do that for accessing tweets(live) from the twitter create that

3.And before that you need to install all the libraries for all twitter functions can work ok

In this project i am using twitter own algorithm for generating the result you can tell anyone about that if he/she ask about which algorithm ok

4.then you to search live tweets using Searchtwitter function hopefully you gonna read that code carefully ok

5.after searching all we can predict from this things i created cloud overtheir using Rcloud function you can try that .

6.After creating that Rcloud we are going to search Most frequent words in that tweets From that we can say movie is good or bad means from my theory i predict movie result using mostfrequent words this all Thank you.

This how Rcloud see in this project of movie avengersEndgame

And in the last in code section you get short commented description of project hope you read that carefully

Thank you Hope You understand Stay Tuned.
