
A contact management application that allows you to keep track of your contacts.

Primary LanguageRuby


Project Summary

Kontakt is a contact management web application that allows you to keep track of your contacts.

Live Link : https://kontakt-manager.herokuapp.com/

Table of contents

General info

I had previously designed this application as a single page application with angular.js. I wanted to see what it will be like built on Ruby on Rails.

The angular.js version made use of routing and was fast to navigate. However, changes were not saved permanently because there was no database.

Angular.js Version Screenflow

angular.js version


Kontakt Profile Page

Kontakt Home Page

Contact List View

Kontakt Contact List View

Contact View

Kontakt Contact View

Create New Contact

Kontakt Create New Contact View


  • Ruby 3.0.0
  • Ruby on Rails 6
  • Bootstrap
  • W3.CSS
  • jQuery
  • SCSS


After downloading the Git repository, follow the steps below to setup the application locally.

  1. Run rails bundle
  2. Run npm install
  3. Before proceeding, see further instructions below for the database
  4. To create the database, run rails db:create
  5. Migrate the migration files with rails db:migrate
  6. Seed the database with some data with rails db:seed


I used MYSQL for the database.

In config/database.yml, you will want to change the username and password to your local credentials.

Alternatively, you can change the database by running either of the commands below depending of your local database system and installing the proper gems in the gemfile.

  1. rails db:system:change --to=postgresql
  2. rails db:system:change --to=sqlite3


To run controller tests, model tests and integration tests, you can run rails test

To run system tests, run rails test:system

kontakt tests

Key Features

  • A user can create an account

  • A user can add notes to his profile

  • A user can add contacts, edit contacts and delete contacts

  • A user can search through his list of contacts

To-do list:

  • Add sort feature to contact list


Project is: finished, but further features could be added again.


Created by Krishna Diamesso. You can contact me at krishnadiamesso@gmail.com