
A Single Page web application built on Vue.js. Wazer shows your local weather information.

Live Link: https://wazer.herokuapp.com/

Table of contents

General info

Wazer is built with Vue.js.

It calls two external apis to display your local weather information.

Calls to the apis are made to:


Example screenshot


  • Vue.js - Version 2
  • Axios - Version 0.21.1
  • Node - Version 14
  • NPM - Version 7


After downloading the repository, install all dependencies with npm install and start the server with npm run serve.

See below other related commands.

The application use environment variables for the api keys to the different apis.

A .env-sample file has been provided to you. Rename .env-sample to .env.local

A .env.local file is not tracked in your repository.

In the .env-sample file, you will find a line similar to this: VUE_APP_GEO_TOKEN_API = YOUR_GEO_TOKEN_API_HERE

Replace YOUR_GEO_TOKEN_API_HERE with your actual API Key so it becomes: VUE_APP_GEO_TOKEN_API = 1234567890

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Project is: finished


Created by Krishna Diamesso.