
UCL ARC Solutions Team - HPC's Spack config

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Solutions - HPC's Spack config

There should be a branch of this repo for each major Spack release. Branch 0.20 covers all 0.20.x Spack versions.

Using spacksites to work with central installs as ccspapp

The very first user of this version of Spack and this repo should create an Spack-versioned directory to check out into, clone this repo and switch to the desired branch. This example is for Spack 0.20.x:

mkdir -p /home/ccspapp/Scratch/spack/0.20
cd /home/ccspapp/Scratch/spack/0.20

git clone https://github.com/UCL-ARC/hpc-spack.git --branch 0.20

Once the repo already exists, start from here. Our sites location is /shared/ucl/apps/spack/0.20 for 0.20.x which is defined in spack_sites.ini.

cd /home/ccspapp/Scratch/spack/0.20/hpc-spack

# initialise spacksites
source spacksites/myriad-utilities/init-spacksites-on-myriad.sh

# make your new site - we've been prefixing $site_name with initials
spacksites/spacksites create $site_name

# install your first compiler into your site - will use the buildcache as long as it exists
# $env_name will be the name of the environment you are creating, eg first_compiler.
spacksites/spacksites install-env $site_name $env_name first_compiler.yaml

# get ready to run spack commands as normal for this site
eval $(spacksites/spacksites spack-setup-env $site_name)

You can now run spack find to show the installed packages, or spack info --all $package to show available versions of that package to install.

There is more detailed info and possible considerations in Spacksites README.

Pulling changes into different site roots

If you are not using our default site root for this version, when you pull down changes later on you will need to alter sites_root in spack_sites.ini back to the correct location you are using.

You could use a script like this one to stash changes, pull, and update sites_root for you.



Our Spack-versioned buildcache is at /shared/ucl/apps/spack/0.20/buildcache for 0.20.x.

# take my site-installed gcc@12.2.0 and all its dependencies, and put it into a buildcache at this location
spack buildcache push --allow-root /shared/ucl/apps/spack/0.20/buildcache gcc@12.2.0

Updating to a new Spack version

When there is a major version release, we need to:

  • Create a new branch in this repo
  • In that branch, edit the version in spack_sites.ini
  • Update the sites_root in spack_sites.ini
  • Check whether the major changes/deprecations for the new version require any alterations to the spack commands spacksites runs, initial_site_modules.yaml, any other config or format changes or changes in default behaviour.
  • Check out the new branch in a new directory, as when starting from scratch above.
  • Create the new sites_root in /shared/ucl/apps/$version
  • Create a new buildcache in the sites_root, checking whether the versions we build are still available in the new Spack version and updating our site .yaml files if they do not.

Get started with a personal install

This is for non-spacksites-managed personal Spack use.

git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true https://github.com/spack/spack.git

A script to load the SCLs which will make Python 3.8 and GCC 11.2 available to you on the nodes: Referring to this from now on as load_scls.sh.

# Source this.

UCL_SCLS="rh-python38 devtoolset-11"

for a in ${UCL_SCLS}
   source /opt/rh/${a}/enable
export X_SCLS="${UCL_SCLS} ${X_SCLS}"

You can then source load_scls.sh and will see the following are now available:

[cceahke@login13 spack]$ which g++
[cceahke@login13 spack]$ which python

Spack setup: do we want to do this? It sets $SPACK_ROOT among other things.

source spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh

Spack's default config.yaml is $SPACK_ROOT/etc/spack/defaults/config.yaml. Things I changed straight away:

    - $user_cache_path/stage

  build_jobs: 4

build_stage is where all the temporary building happens and must not be in /tmp.

You can then start to use Spack.

spack list gromacs
spack info --all gromacs

See which compilers spack finds: if you sourced setup-env.sh before sourcing load_scls.sh then it will not look in our new /opt/rh/devtoolset-11.

spack compilers
==> Available compilers
-- gcc rhel7-x86_64 ---------------------------------------------
gcc@4.9.2  gcc@4.8.5

So tell it to look for the new one.

spack compiler add /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin/
==> Added 1 new compiler to /home/cceahke/.spack/linux/compilers.yaml
==> Compilers are defined in the following files:

Other setups

Spack has a repo at https://github.com/spack/spack-configs



  • E4S as mentioned above uses Spack and provides a build cache and containers. Attempts to put together an interoperable set of packages. "The Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) is a community effort supported by the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) to provide an ecosystem of open source software packages for developing, deploying and running scientific applications on HPC platforms."
  • This may be of use if we have more AMD and need to build with AOCC/AOCL.