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# Run the app from Expo XDE
# Happy Hacking ;-)
Start by running
yarn test
Ensure that all your test passes before starting the next todo
The file you need it to edit for your tests is src/reducers/activeTrucks
The first thing you need to do is to make sure your app is running, meaning that you don't see any errors on your screen.
To do that you're gonna need to do a few things:
- Run the app on your Phone
- Get rid of the error messages
- You'll need to configure redux-thunk in
- Fix all the errors that appear on your screen
- You'll need to configure redux-thunk in
Open src/actions/trucks.js and write all the actions. You can find comments there that'll help you out to write the actions.
Fetching your data using Ajax is cool but you know what's even cooler?
Websockets, realtime, thats right.
If you open the file src/components/TruckSocket you can find instructions there to help you out
If you open src/screens/Map/index.js
you'll find an empty component. Create a component that'll render the Component and a back button to go back to the listScreen.
You should persist your redux store using redux-persist
Persist every reducers but the ui one
Write a middleware that stops the trucks from being created if their names contain any of the words that can be found in src/constants/dictionnary.js
Using the expo documentation extract your expo push notification token and posting it to
Your body should look like that
"token": "your expo push token"