This is the final submission for HackOdisha Hackathon.
Link of the hackathon:
Link of the project:
The problem ChatCode solves
How do you plan to code with your coding buddies?
You may use discord, g-meet, MS-teams, etc to join audio and maybe share your screen to show your code to the others.
What's wrong with that?
- Your friends can not modify or run the code you guys are working on.
- Sharing your entire screen requires a higher bandwidth internet connection for a smooth experience.
- How would you like a platform where every one of your squad can modify the code while joined with audio to discuss it all?
- Our team "Fantastic4" is here with "ChatCode", where you can chat with your friends while talking to them.
Features of ChatCode :
- Create different rooms
- Join voice-chat with everyone in the room
- Everyone in the room can modify and run the code
- Users can join multiple rooms
- Password security for entering into any room so unauthorized person can not join your room
- Editor window supports multiple themes and font sizes
- Users can run the code written in different programming languages
Challenges we ran into
- The first challenge was to implement an online judging system.
- To implement a shared code editor where everyone can modify the code and see the changes in real-time.
- Technologies we used -Node.js, Next.js, Socket.IO, TypeScript, MongoDB
Server: cd server
yarn watch
yarn dev
Client: cd client
yarn dev
Socket Server: cd socket
yarn watch
yarn dev