
Solutions to Common Algorithms and Data Structures Problems in Multiple Languages

Primary LanguagePython

Algorithmic Thinking: A Hands-on Approach to Understanding Algorithms & Data Structures

This repo is meant to complement http://soumasish.io where I try to explain algorithms and data structures the way I understand them. Leetcode is used as a tool here for solving actual problems from each algorithmic paradigm - which opens up the repo to anyone who'd wish to work simply with leetcode without bothering about the blog - and that's fine too.

There's a folder for languages inside of which a few problems have been added to get things going. If you wish to contribute, a big thanks, feel free to send me a PR.


# Problem Python Javascript Java C++ Swift
1 Two Sum x x
2 Add Two Numbers x x
3 Longest Substring without Repeating Characters x x
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays x
5 Longest Palindromic Substring x x
6 Zig Zag Conversion x
7 Reverse Integer x x
8 String to Integer x
9 Palindrome Number x
10 Regular Expression Matching x
11 Container With Most Water x
15 3Sum x
17 Letter Combination of Phone Number x
20 Valid Parantheses x
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists x
22 Generate Paratheses x
23 Merge K Sorted Lists x
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal x
95 Unique Binary Search Trees -II x
98 Validate Binary Search Tree x
100 Same Tree x
101 Symmetric Tree x
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal x
116 Populating Next Right Pointers x
437 Path Sum III x
449 Serialize & Deserialize a BST x
450 Delete a Node in a BST x
501 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree x
508 Most Frequent Subtree sum x
510 In Order Successor II x
530 Minimum Absolute Difference x x
654 Maximum Binary Tree x
720 Longest Word in Dictionary x
776 Split BST x
783 Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes x x
824 Goat Latin x
865 Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes x
896 Monotonic Array x
921 Minimum Add to Make Paranthesis Valid x x
937 Reorder Log Files x
938 Range Sum of BST x
953 Verify and Aient Dictionary x
958 Check Completeness of Binary Tree x x
973 K Closest Point to Origin x
1008 Construct Binary Search Tree From Preorder Traversal x
1022 Sum of Root to Leaf Numbers x
1026 Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor x