
Benchmarking repository for OBNB

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Benchmarking repository for the Open Biomedical Network Benchmark

This is a benchmarking repository accompanying the obnb Python package.

Set up environment

conda create -n obnb python=3.8 -y && conda activate obnb

# Install PyTorch and PyG with CUDA 11.7
conda install pytorch=2.0.1 torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg=2.3.0 -c pyg -y

pip install obnb[ext]==0.1.0  # install obnb with extension modules (PecanPy, GraPE, ...)
pip install -r requirements_extra.txt  # extra dependencies for benchmarking

conda clean --all -y  # clean up

The extra dependencies are, e.g.,

  • Hydra for managing experiments.
  • Lightning for organizing model training framework.
  • WandB for logging metrics.

Note: if you do not need to run the benchmarking experiments and only want to play around with our benchmarking results with one of the notebooks, you can skip the installation for PyTorch and PyG.

pip install obnb[ext]==0.1.0

Set up data (optional)

Run get_data.py to download and set up data for all the experiments. Data will be saved under the datasets/ directory by default, and will take up approximately 6 GB of space.

python get_data.py

This step is completely optional and directly runing the training script will work fine. But runing get_data.py once before training prevents multiple parallel jobs doing the same data preprocessing work if the processed data is not available yet.

Run experiments

After setting up the data, one can run a single experiment by specifying the choices of network, label, and model:

python main.py dataset.network=BioGRID dataset.label=DisGeNET model=GCN

Check out the conf/model/ directory for all available model presets. The main model presets are:

  • GCN
  • GAT
  • GCN+BoT
  • GAT+BoT
  • LogReg+Adj
  • LogReg+Node2vec
  • LogReg+Walklets

Run batch of parallel jobs

cd run

# GNN node feature ablation (example of runing GCN with node2vec features on BioGRID)
sh run_abl_gnn_feature.sh GCN BioGRID Node2vec

# C&S ablation (example of runing GCN with C&S post processing on BioGRID)
sh run_abl_cs.sh GCN BioGRID

# GNN label reuse ablation (example of runing GCN with label reuse on BioGRID)
sh run_abl_gnn_label.sh GCN BioGRID

# GNN label reuse with C&S ablation (example of runing GCN with label reuse with C&S on BioGRID)
sh run_abl_gnn_cs_label.sh GCN BioGRID

# GNN with bag of tricks, i.e., node2vec node feature + label reuse + C&S
sh run_gnn_bot.sh GCN BioGRID

To run all experiments presented in the paper (may take several days):

sh run_all.sh

Tuning with W&B

First create a sweep agent, e.g., for BioGRID-DisGeNET-GCN:

wandb sweep conf/tune/BioGRID-DisGeNET-GCN.yaml

Then, follow the instruction from the command above to spawn sweep agents to automatically tune the model configuration on a particular dataset.

Results anallysis

To run the notebooks, first download our benchmarking results (or you can rerun all the benchmarking experiments yourself using our run scripts described above). DOI

wget -O results/main.csv.gz https://zenodo.org/record/8048305/files/main.csv.gz

Data stats (obnbdata-0.1.0) DOI


Network Weighted Num. nodes Num. edges Density Category
HumanBaseTopGlobal 25,689 77,807,094 0.117908 Large & Dense
HuMAP 15,433 35,052,604 0.147180 Large & Dense
STRING 18,480 11,019,492 0.032269 Large
ConsensusPathDB 17,735 10,611,416 0.033739 Large
FunCoup 17,892 10,037,478 0.031357 Large
PCNet 18,544 5,365,116 0.015603 Large
BioGRID 19,765 1,554,790 0.003980 Medium
HumanNet 18,591 2,250,780 0.006513 Medium
HIPPIE 19,338 1,542,044 0.004124 Medium
ComPPIHumanInt 17,015 699,620 0.002417 Medium
OmniPath 16,325 289,134 0.001085 Small
ProteomeHD 2,471 125,172 0.020509 Small
HuRI 8,100 103,188 0.001573 Small
BioPlex 8,108 71,004 0.001080 Small
SIGNOR 5,291 28,676 0.001025 Small


Network Num. tasks Num. pos. avg. Num. pos. std. Num. pos. med.
BioGRID 145 178.1 137.4 127.0
BioPlex 72 123.8 64.4 101.5
ComPPIHumanInt 145 174.6 134.5 125.0
ConsensusPathDB 144 177.4 137.5 126.0
FunCoup 145 177.1 135.1 127.0
HIPPIE 143 178.1 137.6 127.0
HuMAP 123 168.0 119.2 120.0
HuRI 50 130.3 56.7 112.5
HumanBaseTopGlobal 149 178.5 137.7 129.0
HumanNet 142 179.0 136.9 127.0
OmniPath 135 180.2 131.1 131.0
PCNet 143 171.8 130.6 122.0
ProteomeHD 15 76.9 22.4 70.0
SIGNOR 89 144.6 89.4 117.0
STRING 146 175.4 135.6 126.0
Network Num. tasks Num. pos. avg. Num. pos. std. Num. pos. med.
BioGRID 305 208.3 143.1 159.0
BioPlex 189 138.6 71.4 111.0
ComPPIHumanInt 301 204.1 138.7 159.0
ConsensusPathDB 298 207.4 140.8 161.5
FunCoup 299 204.7 139.4 158.0
HIPPIE 306 208.1 142.9 159.5
HuMAP 279 194.3 126.7 155.0
HuRI 152 122.9 54.7 108.0
HumanBaseTopGlobal 287 219.7 145.7 173.0
HumanNet 302 204.2 140.3 158.5
OmniPath 298 199.6 136.0 153.5
PCNet 292 202.1 135.5 159.0
ProteomeHD 56 78.0 24.8 71.0
SIGNOR 219 147.3 81.9 124.0
STRING 296 208.0 140.6 162.0
Network Num. tasks Num. pos. avg. Num. pos. std. Num. pos. med.
BioGRID 114 89.5 37.1 76.0
BioPlex 38 77.6 22.6 76.0
ComPPIHumanInt 104 91.8 37.0 77.5
ConsensusPathDB 112 90.1 37.0 76.5
FunCoup 114 87.8 36.7 74.0
HIPPIE 111 89.2 37.1 76.0
HuMAP 96 84.6 32.3 74.0
HuRI 27 69.9 16.0 65.0
HumanBaseTopGlobal 115 89.2 37.3 76.0
HumanNet 117 88.6 36.9 75.0
OmniPath 106 88.7 36.2 74.0
PCNet 105 89.0 36.0 77.0
ProteomeHD 5 80.4 22.6 70.0
SIGNOR 41 81.3 22.7 78.0
STRING 116 88.9 36.6 75.0