
A sample NodeJS suite which runs cross browser tests using Playwright

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A sample project to run cross browser tests using Playwright. Page Object Model deisgn pattern Uses SwagLabs demo app for test execution

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/krishnapollu/playwright-nodejs-poc.git

Install project

npm install

Run tests

  • headless npx playwright tests
  • headed npx playwright tests --headed


Default Playwright Reports

  • npx playwright show-report

Playwright Reports can be viewed here

Allure Integration

Install allure reportet for playwright

  • npm i -D @playwright/test allure-playwright

Update playwright.config.js

reporter: [
    ['allure-playwright', {
      detail: true,
      suiteTitle: false,

Reporting Util

exports.ReportUtil = class ReportUtil {

    constructor(page, testInfo){
        this.page = page;
        this.testInfo = testInfo;
    async takeScreenshot(){
        await this.testInfo.attach("login success", {
            body: await this.page.screenshot(),
            contentType: "image/png",

Add attachment from code

this.ru = new ReportUtil(this.page, this.testInfo);
await this.ru.takeScreenshot();

Generate and View Allure report

  • allure serve

Accessibility Tests

An important Playwright feature which enables you to run Accessibility Tests on your web page and validate the violations. In this project, I run the accessibility test and attach the report as JSON, instead of failing the test upfront if any violations are present.


// fixtures/myAccFixture.js

//from playwright documentation

exports.test = base.test.extend({
  makeAxeBuilder: async ({ page }, use, testInfo) => {
    const makeAxeBuilder = () => new AxeBuilder({ page })
        .withTags(['wcag2a', 'wcag2aa', 'wcag21a', 'wcag21aa'])
    await use(makeAxeBuilder);
exports.expect = base.expect;

In Reporting Util

//attach the accessibility results as JSON in playwright-report

async attach(accessibilityScanResults, testInfo) {
        await testInfo.attach('accessibility-scan-results', {
            body: JSON.stringify(accessibilityScanResults, null, 2),
            contentType: 'application/json'


// import the fixture and reporting util
const { test, expect } = require('../../fixtures/myAccFixture');
const { ReportUtil } = require('../utils/reporting-utils');
test('Accessibility Test', async ({ page, makeAxeBuilder }, testInfo) => {
    let ru = new ReportUtil(page, testInfo);
    let accessibilityScanResults = {};
    accessibilityScanResults = await makeAxeBuilder().analyze(); // runs the accessibility test on current page context
    ru.attach(accessibilityScanResults, testInfo); // attaches the results as JSON in report

API Tests

Playwright lets you write API tests as easily as below

test('GET Users', async ({ request }) => {
        const response = await request.get(`${baseUrl}/users/3`);

Custom Logging

I have integrated Winston node module to implement logging.

Logger Util

    transports: [
        new transports.Console({
            level: 'info',
        new transports.File({
            filename: 'logs/winston.log', 
            level: 'info',
            maxsize: 5242880,


import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger';
let logger;
test.beforeEach( async ({page}, testInfo) => { // instantiate inside the hook
        logger = Logger(testInfo.project.name);
test('TC01', async ({ page }) => {
        logger.info('Printing Browser Console logs: ');


2023-08-12T19:49:29.343Z [chromium] info: Printing Browser Console logs: 

Microsoft Playwright Testing

Playwright tests can now be run on remote browsers in your Azure Microsoft Playwright Testing workspace. (This is currently in preview)

Pre Requisites

  • An active Azure Subscription (If you dont, create a free account before you begin)
  • An Azure Microsoft Playwright Testing workspace. ( This can also be created prior to the next step by logging into your Azure account. Home > Playwright Tests > Create Workspace )


  • Navigate to Playwright Portal

  • Login with your Microsoft account

  • Create a workspace (if not already created)

  • Follow the steps shown in the workspace landing page to create PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN and PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_URL

  • If you dont see it, you can create the same from Settings page.


  • Create playwright.service.config.ts file in your repository and copy the below contents to it.

          * This file enables Playwright client to connect to remote browsers.
          * It should be placed in the same directory as playwright.config.ts.
          import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
          import config from './playwright.config';
          import dotenv from 'dotenv';
          // Define environment on the dev box in .env file:
          //  .env:
          // Define environment in your GitHub workflow spec.
          //  env:
          //    PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_RUN_ID: ${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}-${{ github.sha }}
          // Name the test run if it's not named yet.
          process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_RUN_ID = process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_RUN_ID || new Date().toISOString();
          // Can be 'linux' or 'windows'.
          const os = process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_OS || 'linux';
          export default defineConfig(config, {
            // Define more generous timeout for the service operation if necessary.
            // timeout: 60000,
            // expect: {
            //   timeout: 10000,
            // },
            workers: 20,
            // Enable screenshot testing and configure directory with expectations.
            // https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/playwright-testing/how-to-configure-visual-comparisons
            ignoreSnapshots: false,
            snapshotPathTemplate: `{testDir}/__screenshots__/{testFilePath}/${os}/{arg}{ext}`,
            use: {
              // Specify the service endpoint.
              connectOptions: {
                wsEndpoint: `${process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_URL}?cap=${JSON.stringify({
                  // Can be 'linux' or 'windows'.
                  runId: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_RUN_ID
                timeout: 30000,
                headers: {
                  'x-mpt-access-key': process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN!
                // Allow service to access the localhost.
                exposeNetwork: '<loopback>'
            // Tenmp workaround for config merge bug in OSS https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/pull/28224
            projects: config.projects? config.projects : [{}]
  • Update your workflow yaml as below

            # Access token and regional endpoint for Microsoft Playwright Testing
            PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_RUN_ID: ${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}-${{ github.sha }}
        - name: Run Playwright tests
          run: npx playwright test --config=playwright.service.config.ts --workers=20 

The next tine your workflow is triggered, the tests will be run on your Azure Microsoft Playwright Testing workspace. Once the execution is complete, you will be able to see the test execution metadata in your workspace Home page.

Triggering tests from codespaces / local machine

You can alternatively trigger the tests from your working terminal as well. Follow the below steps:

npx playwright test --config=playwright.service.config.ts --workers=20

Once the execution is complete, you will be able to see the test execution metadata in your workspace Home page.