
Primary LanguagePython

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A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use.



  • Python (2 or 3)
  • Python pip
  • Python module requests
  • Python module colorama
  • Python module unidecode
  • Python module six
  • Python module requests[security] or pyOpenSSL

Install modules

pip install -r requirements.txt

Tested on

  • Windows 7/8/8.1
  • Kali linux (2017.2)
  • Mac OSX 10.9.5 (tested with super user)

Download udemy-dl

You can download the latest version of udemy-dl by cloning the GitHub repository.

git clone https://github.com/r0oth3x49/udemy-dl.git


  • Added feature to download the default quality if requested quality is not there.
  • Added feature to cache the credentials to file and use it later for login purpose.
  • Added feature to get user input if no credentials provided using command line argument.
  • Updated code for downloading captions (subtitles) if available.


  • Fixed some issues & improved code quality for Python3.
  • Fixed #13 (UnicodeEncodeError) thanks for quick patch by @jdsantiagojr
  • Added feature to skip captions/subtitle and download course only.
  • Added feature to download captions/subtitle only thanks to @leo459028.
  • Added feature to edit the password by pressing backspace on command line.


		"username" 		: "user@domain.com",
		"password" 		: "p4ssw0rd",
		"output" 		: "path/to/directory/",
		"resolution" 		: "1080"
	Example for windows users to set output directory:
		"output" 		: "path\\to\\directory"


Downloading course

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL

Downloading Course with specific resolution

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -r 720

Downloading course to a specific location

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -o "/path/to/directory/"

Downloading course with specific resolution to a specific location

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -r 720 -o "/path/to/directory/"

Saving download links

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -s

Saving specific resolution download links

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -s -r 720

Saving download links to specific location

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -s -o "/path/to/directory/"

Saving specific resolution download links to specific location

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -s -r 720 -o "/path/to/directory/"

Downloading course and caching credentials

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL --configs

Downloading with specific resolution and allow default resolution as well

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -r 1080 -d

Downloading course but skip captions/subtitles

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL --skip-sub

Downloading captions/subtitles only

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL --sub-only

Listing course's video informtion

python udemy-dl.py -u user@domain.com -p p4ssw0rd COURSE_URL -l

the above command will list down the size of video and attached files and available resolutions for a video in a course.

Advanced Usage

Author: Nasir khan (r0ot h3x49)

Usage: udemy-dl.py [-h] [-u "username"] [-p "password"] COURSE_URL
                   [-s] [-l] [-r "resolution"] [-o "/path/to/directory/"]
                   [-d] [-c/--configs] [--sub-only] [--skip-sub]

A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for
personal offline use.

    -h, --help         Shows the help.
    -v, --version      Shows the version.

    -u, --username     Username in udemy.
    -p, --password     Password of your account.
    -c, --configs      Cache your credentials to use it later.
    -s, --save-links   Do not download but save links to a file.
    -l, --list-infos   List all lectures with available resolution.
    -r, --resolution   Download video resolution, default resolution is 720p.
    -d, --get-default  Download default resolution if requested not there.
    -o, --output       Output directory where the videos will be saved,
                       default is current directory.
    --sub-only         Download captions/subtitle only.
    --skip-sub         Download course but skip captions/subtitle.

	python udemy-dl.py  COURSE_URL


Do not change the position of any argument as given under the Usage, this may cause an error or failur in downloading of course.