
Play blindfold chess against any UCI compatible engines.

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Piñata (v1.1)

Piñata is an interactive shell to play blindfold chess against computers. Install any UCI compatible chess engine like Stockfish in the standard executable search path and Piñata will pick it up.


OS Arch Link
GNU/Linux Intel (64-bit) Download
GNU/Linux Arm (64-bit) Download
GNU/Linux Arm (32-bit) Download
Windows Intel (64-bit) Download
Darwin Intel (64-bit) Download
FreeBSD Intel (64-bit) Download


  pinata [flags]

  -b, --black           choose the black side
  -d, --depth int       engine search depth (default 10)
  -e, --engine string   path to UCI compatible chess engine executable (default "stockfish")
  -f, --file string     load game from a PGN file
  -h, --help            help for pinata
  -l, --light           invert the colors for lighter console background
      --no-color        disable colors
      --version         version for pinata
  -v, --visual          cheat blindfold

Playing Blind

By default, the computer engine plays black. You make your first move. Use to auto-complete possible moves or commands.

$ ./pinata 
█ 🙇  e4
░ 🤖  e6
█ 🙇  Nf3 
░ 🤖  d5
█ 🙇 <TAB>
Ke2      Qe2      Rg1      Be2      Bd3      Bc4      Bb5+     Ba6      Na3      Nc3      Ng1      Nd4      Nh4      Ne5      Ng5      
a3       a4       b3       b4       c3       c4       d3       d4       g3       g4       h3       h4       exd5     e5       resign   
/fen     /save    /load    /visual  /quit    /keys    /fen     /visual  /quit    /keys

Playing Visual

You can cheat the blindfold with --visual flag and play interactively. Use /visual command to toggle the board display during the practice sessions to verify your memory.

$ ./pinata --visual
█ 🙇  e4
░ 🤖  e6
│   │ A │ B │ C │ D │ E │ F │ G │ H │
│ 8 │ ♖ │ ♘ │ ♗ │ ♕ │ ♔ │ ♗ │ ♘ │ ♖ │
│ 7 │ ♙ │ ♙ │ ♙ │ ♙ │   │ ♙ │ ♙ │ ♙ │
│ 6 │   │   │   │   │ ♙ │   │   │   │
│ 5 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │
│ 4 │   │   │   │   │ ♟ │   │   │   │
│ 3 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │
│ 2 │ ♟ │ ♟ │ ♟ │ ♟ │   │ ♟ │ ♟ │ ♟ │
│ 1 │ ♜ │ ♞ │ ♝ │ ♛ │ ♚ │ ♝ │ ♞ │ ♜ │
█ 🙇

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Please follow Piñata Contributor's Guide



Piñata is free software, licensed under GNU AGPL v3 or later