Barcode Scanner Plugin for Vue.js
Usually in the market have a lot of barcode scanner. So we need to handle a lot of things to make this input right as it was for all scanner.
- The listener will alway trigger for each character input, So we need to put it together and check when it's finished and ready to use.
- Need to handle some special characters for some scanner, Because it's not the same for all scanner.
- Handle the listener for you and return the ready barcode to your callback just once when scanning is finished.
- Handle special characters and return the complete barcode to you.
- Tab suffix barcode scanner compatibility
- Listener for keypress instead of keydown (0.2)
- New method to get previous barcode (0.2)
- Listen to for all keypress not only textbox or textarea like previous version (0.3)
- Check the input is come from barcode scanner by check elapsed time less than 500ms (0.3)
- Support scanner that use "TAB" instead of "Enter" in the last scanned charactor (adding keydown event) (0.4)
- Clear elapsed time when submit the barcode (0.4)
- Change by pass elapsed time from 500ms to 30ms and change the logic to make scanner detection better (0.4)
- Options to set scan sensitivity (it's elapsed time for each key scanned, default 100ms) (0.5)
- New method to set scan sensitivity manually (0.5)
- vue
Install via npm
npm install vue-barcode-scanner
Inject plugin to your vue instance by Vue.use
then initial it in your component that need to use barcode scanner
Default Injection
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueBarcodeScanner from 'vue-barcode-scanner'
// inject vue barcode scanner
Inject with option
// inject barcode scanner with option (add sound effect)
// sound will trigger when it's already scanned
let options = {
sound: true, // default is false
soundSrc: '/static/sound.wav' // default is blank
sensitivity: 300 // default is 100
Vue.use(VueBarcodeScanner, options)
Init method use for add event listener (keypress) for the scanner.
Destroy method is for remove the listener when it's unnecessary.
Return the value that currently has a listener or not.
this.$barcodeScanner.hasListener() // return Boolean
Return last barcode scanned whatever your input is (In textbox currently). The last barcode will be replace when hit enter key.
this.$barcodeScanner.getPreviousCode() // return String
Set limit of the time elapsed between each key stroke to distinguish between human typing and barcode scanner. Barcode scanner is determined by how fast between each key stoke. Argument is number of milliseconds.
this.$barcodeScanner.setSensitivity(200) // sets barcode scanner recognition sensitivity to 200 ms
In your component file (.vue) just for the component you need to listener for barcode.
export default {
created () {
// Add barcode scan listener and pass the callback function
destroyed () {
// Remove listener when component is destroyed
methods: {
// Create callback function to receive barcode when the scanner is already done
onBarcodeScanned (barcode) {
// do something...
// Reset to the last barcode before hitting enter (whatever anything in the input box)
resetBarcode () {
let barcode = this.$barcodeScanner.getPreviousCode()
// do something...