
Parallel code for simulation of trajectory of N bodies under the influence of gravitational force

Primary LanguageC++

Link to the github Repository


Parallel Code analysis of N-body simulation

This is the ME766 (High Performance Scientific Computing) course project report. Our objective was to make a simulation for the generic n-body system under gravitational forces using appropriate masses and initial conditions, analysing the time efficiency of the code with different parallel programming methods.

This zip file contains the following:


n_body.cpp : O(n^2) serial code

n_body_openmp.cpp : openMP parallelised O(n^2) code

n_body_mpi2.cpp : MPI parallelised O(n^2) code

n_body_openacc.cpp : openACC parallelised O(n^2) code

barnes_hut.cpp : Code developed for the Barnes-Hut quad tree data structure and implementation for 2 bodies


tab128.txt : For 128 bodies

tab1024.txt : For 1024 bodies

tab8096.txt : For 8096 bodies

tab65536.txt : For 65536 bodies

Link to the various data sets : https://bima.astro.umd.edu/nemo/archive/


analysis.txt : Generated code profile for n_body.cpp

Instructions for Compiling

For openACC code:
$ pgc++ -acc -ta=host -Minfo=accel -o nbody n_body_openacc.cpp
$ ./nbody

For openmp code:
$ g++ n_body_openmp.cpp -fopenmp -o nbody
$ ./nbody

For MPI code:
$ mpic++ n_body_openmp.cpp -o nbody $ mpirun -np 4 ./nbody


For compiling any of the codes, the corresponding dataset must be present in the same directory