
A customised capability matcher for Selenium Grid

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Inmarsat's Custom Capability Matcher

Selenium's DefaultCapabilityMatcher provides basic capability matching on the Grid, matching against browser, browserName, browserVersion, applicationName, and platform, as well as some capabilities specific to Firefox and Safari.

For this reason, it was not fit-for-purpose when dealing with Android devices, where the udid is required to run the device, but no selectivity of devices based on the udid or deviceName is available. The platform was compound and now deprecated, leading to having to specify platformName=WIN8_1 or similar.

In this capability matcher we provide additional capability matching to match platformName (i.e. Windows/OS X/Linus/Android), and utilise version as an additional capability for the platform version i.e. platformName=android, version=8.1 will allow matching based on the platform and version independently. Also, it will match based on udid when requested. The rest of the functionality of the DefaultCapabilityMatcher works as originally intended.


As selenium standalone executable is built using Java 8, this project also needs to be compiled at the same version, hence the <release> tag is set to 8.

Command Line

To run using JAVA from the command line, you can use the following statement to add the class path of selenium-capabilities to be accessible within the selenium-server-standalone executable.

java -cp "/path/to/selenium-server-standalone.jar:/path/to/selenium-capabilities-v0.1.0.jar" org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 -role hub -hubConfig /path/to/hub-config.json


  1. Build the project

    Build with Maven mvn clean package, will clean, compile test and package into jar within the target folder. This enough to use to build the docker image with the custom capabilties matcher in.

  2. Build the Dockerfile

    Copies the jar into the container for use by the entry point. It will launch with the CustomCapabilitiesMatcher, to edit this you need to adapt the 'generate_config' file and specify your own class-path to the CapabilityMatcher to use.

    To build the Dockerfile, navigate to the project base directory, where the Dockerfile is and execute:

    docker build -f Dockerfile -t inmarsat/selenium-capabilities:0.1.0 -t inmarsat/selenium-capabilities:latest .

    For deploying to docker registry please refer to docker documentation.

    To see the newly created docker images, that can be used within docker-compose and docker-machine, docker images. You will see two tags, inmarsat/selenium-capabilities:0.1.0 and inmarsat/selenium-capabilities:latest.

    This docker image will work identically to the selenium/hub docker image, using the CustomCapabilitiesMatcher provided.

    You can adjust the version of the grid within the Dockerfile, specifying the exact version as the base image. This has only been tested working for selenium/base:3.141.59-neon.

Use of Grid properties Desired and Provided

Name Java Usage
platformName CapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME Name of the platform (i.e. Windows, Linux, Mac, Os X etc.)
version CapabilityType.VERSION Version of the platform (i.e. 7, v7, v10.0.6.12, etc.
browserName CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME Also "browser", the name of the browser (i.e. chrome, firefox, etc.)
browserVersion CapabilityType.BROWSER_VERSION Version of the browser.
udid MobileCapabilityType.UDID The unique device identifier for android devices.

NOTE: version in DefaultCapabilityMatcher in the selenium project refers to an alternative for browserVersion. Platform typically was referred to as WIN8, WIN8_1 for platform version selection. Here we have seperated the two, it can however be used in the traditional way, where platformName can contain the version. However, the version is no longer tied to the browserVersion as before.

Added Features:

  • Handles versions by making them well-formatted and easy to compare, where "version 2183.123.2" is equal to "2183.123".

Breaking changes between DefaultCapabilityMatcher and CustomCapabilityMatcher:

  • "version" no longer refers to browserVersion and is instead used for platform version separation.
  • version and browserVersion are matched to <Major>.<Minor> version schema for capability matching
    • 7 -> 7.0
    • 7.1 -> 7.1
    • 7.0.1 -> 7.0
  • Removed CapabilityType.PLATFORM from the validator and associated tests as it is deprecated.

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