
A super simple cheatsheet for poetry because I forget easily.

Poetry Cheat Sheet

A simple and easy-to-use cheat sheet for Poetry.

Command Description
poetry new [name] Creates a new Python project in a new directory.
poetry init Initializes a new Poetry project in the current directory.
poetry add [package] Adds a new package to the project's dependencies.
poetry remove [package] Removes a package from the project's dependencies.
poetry show Shows information about the project's packages.
poetry update Updates the project's dependencies.
poetry install Installs the project's dependencies.
poetry run [command] Runs a command in the virtual environment.
poetry shell Spawns a shell within the virtual environment.
poetry build Builds the project package.
poetry publish Publishes the project package to PyPI.
poetry version [version] Bumps the version of the project.
poetry config [setting] [value] Configures Poetry settings.
poetry cache clear --all pypi Clears Poetry's cache.

Remember to replace [name], [package], [command], [version], [setting], and [value] with your specific project name, package name, command, version number, setting, and value respectively.