Komodo Edit Subversion Toolbox.

Author:       Krzysztof Wolski
E-mail:       krzysztof.wolski[(hosted at)]gmail.com
Version:      0.2
Release-date: 2011-03-24

Developed with Komodo Edit 6.1.1 (build 7295) but should work with older versions too.

Subversion client installed on machine.

1. Download master branch from https://github.com/krisix/Komodo-Subversion-Toolbox/archives/master
2. Extract files.
3. Open Komodo and right click in the Toolbox Pane - choose Import/Export -> Import Folder from File System.
4. Select destination folder with Komodo Subversion Toolbox extracted files.

1. Display Toolbox Pane and unfold Subversion folder.
2. Run any command you need.

Supported Subversion commands:
- SVN Add - add new file to repo
- SVN Add Directory - add directory
- SVN CheckIn - commit changes to repo on file
- SVN Delete - delete file
- SVN Lock - lock file
- SVN Property Need-Lock - sets svn:needs-lock property on file
- SVN Unlock - unlock file
- SVN Update - update current directory based on file