This repository contains my projects and notes as I learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through freeCodeCamp. It serves as a record of my progress and a reference for the concepts I've learned.
I'm following these freeCodeCamp courses:
- Responsive Web Design
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Front End Development Libraries
As I complete projects, I'll list them here with brief descriptions:
Project Name
- Description: What the project does
- Skills practiced: e.g., HTML forms, CSS flexbox, JavaScript functions
(More projects to be added as I progress)
I'm keeping track of important concepts and tips in the notes
directory. Some key topics include:
- HTML structure and semantic tags
- CSS layout techniques (flexbox, grid)
- JavaScript basics and DOM manipulation
- freeCodeCamp
- (Add other helpful resources you find along the way)
- Complete the Responsive Web Design certification
- Build a personal portfolio website
- Contribute to an open-source project
- Completed HTML and HTML5
- Completed Basic CSS
- Completed Applied Visual Design
- Completed JavaScript Basics
- Completed JavaScript Advance
Feel free to explore my code and provide any feedback. Happy coding!