Created by @krislaw and @darnells for Valvano's EE445L class.
- PCB Sent for Printing 3/25/18 - krislaw
- Analog Input Drivers work 4/20/18 - krislaw
- Write and Test software for campaign 4/30/18 - krislaw
- Laser Cut Box for the PCB 4/23/18 - krislaw
Integrate server with map's "Wait for Enemy" state - darnells - Write and Test software for teambuild 5/1/18 - krislaw
- Replace Server with Enemy Logic State 5/2/18 - krislaw
- Figure out and Implement Animations - krislaw
- Add a Tutorial Level for New Players - krislaw
Kris wrote the initialization using Valvanoware, drivers for the speaker, joystick, and LCD, and the control flow for the game.
⚡ ⚡ ⚡ Clone me! You can modify GameController.c and make your own games that will run on this circuit! If you make one, message us, @darnells and @krislaw would love to play it! ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
Kris built a gameboy-like pcb using TI's tm4c123gh6m microcontroller, a sitronix ST7735 LCD, and an arduino joystick
See Resources/TM4Cports for a description of the TM4C port hookups :bangbang: COMING SOON: See Resources/???.sch to find out how to build the circuit
Watch a Video Here:
<3 <3 <3 Bye