original fr0st application: Fractlat Fr0st fr0stlib https://code.launchpad.net/fr0st
The app is using python v2.7 the following libraries are required:
- numpy
- pyaudio
- PySide
- wxPython (wx 3.0, not the 4.0)
- wave
- swmixer
- aubio (on windows, Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required. Get it from http://aka.ms/vcpython27)
the fr0st folder
under the fr0st folder, are stored
- parameters: library of flames, used as shapes for generating the fractals
- scripts: the scripts to run to animate and render the flames
- config.cfg: configuration file. Delete it to restore defaults.
This folder should be the default folder used by the app to load config from. Depending on your folder location or operating system, you might want to allow access to this folder for python to run.
The samples.flame are the default set of flames included in Fractal Fr0st.
In the scripts folder are the default scripts that came with Fractal Fr0st. Some create random flames, others render pictures in batches.
the mindmurmer folder has the script used for running the EEG algorithm.
RUN the application
run the following command to start the app:
python "./fr0st.py"
If running windows with both 2.7 and 3.6 versions of python, run:
py -2 "./fr0st.py"
SETUP the preferences
Open the Edit > Preferences and reduce the default settings (if not done already). exemple: Preview: quality = 1, density = 0, filter radius = 0, oversample = 1 Large preview: quality = 25, density = 0, filter radius = 0.25, oversample = 2 xform: range = 1, quality = 5, depth = 2 Renderer = flam4 Misc > jpeg quality = 15
START the visualization
Select the flame to use from the set by default or load a set of flames. Show the preview window (right end of the toolbar) to see the rendered fractal.
Open the following script from the app:
Press the green light to see animation.