
A simple package to handle secrets providers

Primary LanguageGo


A simple package to handle secrets providers

How To Use

package main

import (

type mySecret struct {
	Username            string
	Password            string
	Engine              string
	Host                string
	Port                int
	Dbname              string
	DbClusterIdentifier string

func main(){
    var secret mySecret
    rawSecret = aws.GetSecret(secretID)

    b, _ := json.Marshal(rawSecret)

    json.Unmarshal(b, &secret)



To test locally I used localstack to mimic some aws services, and you have to rename the file .env.example to .env and fill the fields

localstack start

and create a aws secret locally

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name local-secret --secret-string '{"username":"bob","password":"abc123xyz456"}' --endpoint http://localhost:4566

after this just run the this command

go test ./... -v --cover


  • AWS Ok
  • Azuke -
  • GPC -
  • Vault -