This repository contains configurations for vagrant virtual machines. These configurations have been tested on Ubuntu Linux 15.04.
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install bsdtar redir ruby-childprocess ruby-domain-name ruby-erubis ruby-ffi ruby-http-cookie ruby-dev ruby-i18n ruby-listen ruby-log4r ruby-mime-types ruby-net-scp ruby-net-sftp ruby-net-ssh ruby-rb-inotify ruby-rest-client ruby-sqlite3 ruby-unf ruby-unf-ext
sudo gem install winrm
Install Vagrant 1.7.4
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.8.1_x86_64.deb
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
Start virtual machine
cd vista-ie7
vagrant up
(Optional) Connect with winrm (only works on some boxes)
vagrant rdp
By default the vagrant boxes are downloaded from Atlas. These downloads cannot
be resumed when running vagrant up
, so if one fails you can
remove the partially downloaded files and try again:
rm ~/.vagrant.d/tmp/*
Alternatively, you can download the boxes manually from either Atlas or Akamai:
# Atlas
boxes="vista-ie7 w7-ie8 w7-ie9 w8-ie10 w8.1-ie11 w10-edge"
for box in $boxes; do
vagrant box add --clean modernIE/$box$box
# Akamai
# n.b. The Akamai-hosted vagrant boxes may be out of date and there is no w10-edge box.
# The box names are also different from those in Atlas, so if you use these you should
# either rename the boxes or update the Vagrantfiles accordingly.
boxes="vista-ie7 win7-ie8 win7-ie9 win8-ie10 win81-ie11"
for box in $boxes; do
vagrant box add --clean modernIE/$box$box
Or with wget
, for example:
install_vagrant_box() {
local name=$1
local version=$2
wget -c -O ${name}.box${name}/versions/${version}/providers/ \
&& vagrant box add --clean modernIE/${name} ${name}.box
install_vagrant_box "vista-ie7" "0.0.1"
install_vagrant_box "w7-ie8" "0.0.2"
install_vagrant_box "w7-ie9" "0.0.2"
install_vagrant_box "w8-ie10" "0.0.2"
install_vagrant_box "w8.1-ie11" "0.0.2"
install_vagrant_box "w10-edge" "0.0.3"