
A boilerplate for MERN APP ( Mongodb, Express, React, Node ) with Login, Registration with Facebook, Google and Recaptcha. Pre setup of mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A MERN( Mongodb, Express, React, Node ) Boilerplate


Has following built in functionalities:

-Login and Registration Routes with csrf Protection

-Register with Facebook and Google along with Recaptcha verification

-Login with Facebook and Google along with Recaptcha verification


-Email Verification with Mailgun

-Reset Password by sending the new password on email.

-Form Validations at both client and server side.

-Private Routes Option

-Mongodb and Redux Setup

-uses create-react-app

Installation Instructions

git clone https://github.com/imranhsayed/mern-boilerplate

$ cd mern-boilerplate

in root dir

$ npm cache clean --force

$ npm install

in client dir

$ cd client

$ npm cache clean --force

$ npm install

Install nodemon and create-react-app globally using below command:

$ npm i -D nodemon

$ npm i -g create-react-app

Set your Configurations

Mongodb Configuration

1-Set your mongodb url with username and password in config/keys_dev.js and config/keys_prod.js mongoURI: 'mongodb://<dbUsername>:<dbPassword>@ds151853.mlab.com:51853/yourUrl'

Mailgun Configuration

2-Set your mailgun username and password in config/mailer.js. Mailgun host configurations are in misc/mailer.js, which you dont need to change if you are using mailgun MAILGUN_USER: 'XXX', MAILGUN_PASSWORD: 'XXX'

Login with Facebook, Google, and Recaptcha Configuration

3-Set the following configuration for Login with Facebook and Google and recaptcha in client/src/components/keys/keys.js fbAppId = '1776585689892454'; googleClientId = '1075202126460-37bbm5sr56a95uiuiijsr6gdo0rmn3.apps.googleusercontent.com'; recaptchaSiteKey = '6LdnmHIUAAAAANu0uuiisudiseKUBqhslcTH8hvn9w';