
Farmers in Africa still have the problem of finding customers to buy produce and are subject to what middlemen offer them not allowing them to really be in charge of the business of selling their produce directly and also customers are subject to unreasonable price hikes by middlemen seeking to maximize profits. There is a need of a platform that is modern, accessible, easy to use and fair that links farmers directly to customers with no middleman interference, this would allow customers to get produce at the original farm rates and let farmers sell to as much customers as they can at their own prices allowing them to compete with each other and really build up their farming business and expand into more produce and farming enterprises, this would lead the agricultural industry into a new phase, the phase of the corporate agriculture where farmers from anywhere can sell goods and also control process to those goods and participate in fair competition of such sales putting them to make corporate decisions and build their local farms to large corporate businesses which would impact the economy positively as Africa seeks to diversify its economy and take control of world economics

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