---------------RIP Version 2--------------- written by: Krishna prd Neupane

This program initially displays IP address information of current device and then asks to user to insert number of neighbors and their information.It includes following functions:

  1. get_ip_address : to get ip address of current computer

  2. get_network_prefix : to get network prefix of provided ip address

  3. make_message : to create a message to send for update routing table

  4. main : dispalys current ip address of devices and asks for its neighbors information

  5. send_table : to send updated message to the neighor

  6. update_table: to update routing table based on received neighbor information

  7. reveive_table : to receive sent message from neighbors

Following functions are used for extra part of the project:

  1. update_live_router_table : to check whether neibhors are active or not.

  2. update_timer_table: used to calculate time of active for each entries in a routing table.