
Try out gitlab chart to deploy on k8s cluster with auto-devops

Primary LanguageShell

Spark on k8s

Just a simple example with oversimplistic gitlab ci.


helm install --name gitlab --set baseDomain=gitlab,legoEmail=email@localhost.com gitlab/gitlab-omnibus

We need to replace GCE storage with hostpath for local tests

kubectl describe StorageClass gitlab-gitlab-fast

kubectl delete StorageClass gitlab-gitlab-fast

kubectl apply -f PV.yaml

Also generate self-signed certs (or better get ones from let's encrypt) and create secret in k8s

See tls_secret.yaml

As we don't have our names registered in external DNS, we append /etc/hosts

For this we need to find a current IP address gitlab listens to

kubectl get svc

kubectl apply -f cm.yaml

kubectl get pods -l app=gitlab-gitlab-runner

kubectl delete pod -l app=gitlab-gitlab-runner

Check the gitlab pipeline

Verify the logs. Look for pi ;)

kubectl -n=spark logs -f