
🌟 A curated list of Bitcoin payment processors enabling merchants, businesses and nonprofits to accept Bitcoin payments.

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Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors

Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors Awesome

A curated list of awesome Bitcoin payment processors enabling merchants, businesses and nonprofits to accept Bitcoin payments.

Why are they awesome?

  1. They are either immune to financial censorship or they don't practice it.
  2. They accept Bitcoin via native Bitcoin addresses and don't require wallets to use the controversial payment protocol.
  3. They don't block payments by IPs/locations.


Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors

Self-Hosted payment processors run on your server and provide you with a full control over the entire payment process and funds. There's no third-party involvement - that significantly increases the censorship-resistance, privacy, and security for you and your customers.

Processor Fees Lightning Directly to Your Wallet Conversion to Fiat Requirements
BTCPay Server No fees Yes Yes Via Payment Forwarding and Exchange Integration 2 GB RAM, 80 GB Storage, Docker
One Time Address No fees No Yes No NodeJS
CryptoWoo $34 - $99 per year No Yes No PHP 5.6+, Wordpress 4.3+, WooCommerce 3.0+
BitcartCC No fees Yes Yes No 1 GB RAM, 10 GB Storage, Docker
LnMe No fees Yes Yes No LND node
SatSale No fees Yes Yes Weakhands: swap to USDT on Liquid, no-KYC A Bitcoin node and Python. Lightning node & Woocommerce optional
CypherpunkPay No fees No Yes No Linux (1GB RAM)

Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors

Hosted payment processors run on someone else's server. This simplifies the initial setup process, but reduces the amount of control you have over the payment process.


Processor Fees Lightning Directly to Your Wallet Conversion to Fiat Requirements
Blockonomics 1% No Yes Via Payment Forwarding No
Bittery.io No fees Yes Yes Via Payment Forwarding and Exchange Integration No
Payscrypt No fees No Yes No No
Bitrequest No fees No Yes No No


⚠ The following processors use their own wallets for receiving payments. They not only collect data about payments, they have full control over the funds.

Processor Fees Lightning Directly to Your Wallet Conversion to Fiat Requirements
Confirmo 0.8% Yes No Yes Information about business / website. May require certain documents.
CoinGate 1% (merchant) + some variable service fee (customer) Yes No Yes Requires a lot of information and business documents, officially translated in english.
CoinPayments 0.5% Yes No No On withdrawal may require a number of forms of identification and will require settlement of any outstanding amounts.
GloBee 1% ($10 min. invoice) Yes No Via Luno and Uphold Information about business / website. May require certain documents.
OpenNode 1% Yes No Yes Requires KYC/KYB documents
Strike 1% Only No No For companies, the name of a company and a physical address.
Coinremitter 0.23% + 0.0001 No No No No
Utrust 1% No No Yes Require certain documents.
NOWPayments ≤0.5% No No No KYC/AML procedure applied to certain clients, wallet addresses and select assets.
COINQVEST 0.5-1%, Free to try No No Yes (USD, EUR, ARS, BRL, NGN) Requires KYC verification.

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