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  • Show an example of Dependency Injection(DI) in JS.
  • Use DI to implement a Controller that has depends on built-in services and modules.
  • Use these injected services in a Controller.


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Dependency Injection (DI)

We are going to look at Dependency Injection, as a general concept in software develop, and how it's used in Angular.

"Dependency injection means giving an object its instance variables. Really. That's it."

Wikipedia: Dependency Injection

DI in Javascript

Lets create some code that could use Dependency injection!, Final version is di_done.js

Create a file di.js

Create joe

// Create a Person with an address and Profile.                                 

function Person(street, city, state, zip, fname, lname, dob){
  this.street = street; = city;
  this.state = state; = zip;
  this.fName = fname;
  this.lName = lname;

var joe = new Person('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849', 'joe', 'smoe');
console.log('joe is ');

Now joe has some roomies, tom and liz. Create them.

var joe = new Person('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849', 'joe', 'smoe');
console.log('joe is ');

var tom = new Person('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849', 'tom', 'smith');
console.log('tom is ');

var liz = new Person('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849', 'liz', 'jones');
console.log('liz is ');

Oops, let's refactor out the Address, and call it a Location, OK?

// Create a Location                                                                

function Location(street, city, state, zip, fname, lname, dob){
  this.street = street; = city;
  this.state = state; = zip;

// Create a Person with an address and Profile.                                     

function Person(address, fname, lname, dob){
  this.address = address;
  this.fName = fname;
  this.lName = lname;

var address1 = new Location('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849');
var joe = new Person(address1, 'joe', 'smoe');
console.log('joe is ');

var tom = new Person(address1,'tom', 'smith');
console.log('tom is ');

var liz = new Person(address1,'liz', 'jones');
console.log('liz is ');

We Seperated our Concerns by refactoring the Location concern/concept into it's own class. Yeah, now we can change how we implement a Location!!

So, Lets give Location a way to look up it's latitude and longitude. But, we have to use a remote services, e.g. an API that provides this info.

// Create a LatLongSerice

function LatLongService(){

LatLongService.get = function(zip){
  // save this point in scope
  // so then call back below can use it.
  var _self = this;
  // pseudo code
  // returns a JQuery Promise
  return $.ajax({url: ''})
    .then(function(data){ =;
      _self.long = data.long;
// Create a Location

function Location(street, city, state, zip,LatLongService){
  this.street = street; = city;
  this.state = state; = zip;

Location.prototype.getCoordinates = function(LatLongService){

// Create a Person with an address and Profile.

function Person(address, fname, lname, dob){
  this.address = address;
  this.fName = fname;
  this.lName = lname;

// Address now uses, and depends on, the LatLongService. So lets inject it.
var address1 = new Location('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849',LatLongService);

var joe = new Person(address1, 'joe', 'smoe');
console.log('joe is ');

var tom = new Person(address1,'tom', 'smith');
console.log('tom is ');

var liz = new Person(address1,'liz', 'jones');
console.log('liz is ');

Bummer, it doesn't work, huh?

Oh, seems like the LatLongService depends on JQuery to provide the $.ajax for remote AJAX calls.

We can fix that using a Dummy or Mock LatLongService. I'm just not ready to commit to all these libraries before I get my Data/Domain Model yet.

// Create a Mock or Dummy LatLongService
function DummyLatLongService(){

DummyLatLongService.get = function(zip){ =  '38.272689';
  this.long = '-76.289063';

Location.prototype.getCoordinates = function(LatLongService){


var address1 = new Location('33 Main St', 'Melrose', 'MA', '09849', DummyLatLongService);

So, we found that by using a some software design concepts our code could be more flexible and easily testable.

And we didn't need to get everything working to validate our domain or data model.

Design Concepts
  • Seperation of Concerns. Each concern, (Location), was localized to it's own software artifact, in this case a JS class.
  • Single Responsibility Principal. Each class should have one Responsibility. Location class was responsible for it's Location-like Behavior.
  • Dependency Injection. By injecting in objects to a client class we make it much more flexible and easier to test.
  • Open for Change, Closed for Modification. The Person class is open for change. It's Location can change it's implementation with having to change the Person's implementation/code.

The last four of these Principles are part of a very common design tool/concept call SOLID. This is an acronym for:

  • Single Responsibility Principal.
  • Open for Change, Closed for Modificaton.
  • Liskov Substitution Principal
  • Dependency Injection.

SOLID baaaaby!

Uncle Bob's SOLID

Javascript Dependency Injection

DI in Angular

Take a look at pets.html, it should contain this code:
Note: we are using the $scope as the View Model

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app='petsApp'>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="app/app.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="app/controllers/petsController.js"></script>

  <!-- Using $scope as the View Model -->
  <body ng-controller="PetsController">
  <h3> Pets</h3>
    <tr ng-repeat="pet in pets">
  <span>Oldest pet: {{oldestPet().name}}</span>
  <span>Number of pets: {{totalPets()}}</span>

OK, nothing to new here. Let's move on

Inject $scope into the Controller.

Take a look at the person controller.

Notice: it gets the $scope injected into in by angular!

/* globals angular: true */
  'use strict';
  // Constructor Function that will be used for the
  // Controller
  function PetsController($scope){

    $scope.pets = [
      {name: 'Rover', species: 'Dog', age: 7},
      {name: 'Milo', species: 'Horse', age: 13},
      {name: 'Dolce', species: 'Cat', age: 1},
      {name: 'Mertle', species: 'Turtle', age: 134}

    $scope.totalPets = function(){
      return $scope.pets.length;

    $scope.oldestPet = function() {
      var canidatePet = this.pets[0];

        if (pet.age > canidatePet.age){
          canidatePet = pet;
      return canidatePet;

  } // end of Constructor function

  // The controller is part of the app module
  angular.module('petsApp').controller('PetsController', PetsController);


OK, this is an example of how Angular uses Dependency Injection.

But, it does a little more that we've seen so far. Let's keep looking.

Inject the $log Angular service into the controller.

 function PetsController($scope, $log){
// show me the $log service injected into this Controller by Angular

    // OK, let's use this $log service
    $log.debug("Hey there pet owner");
    $"Hey there pet owner");
    $log.warn("Hey there pet owner");
    $log.error("Hey there pet owner");

Ok, we can what that does, eh!

We'll be injecting more service into the controller over time.

Minification Problem.

The way that Angular determines what dependencies to inject is that it will read all of the Controller arguments and look for it's own services by that name.

Angular will look for a service named $scope and inject it into the controller.

Then it will look for a service named $log and inject it into the controller.

The problem is when one minifies this code the names of $scope and $log will be shortened and Angular won't be able to find these services to inject.

For example, let's minify this code with JS Online Minifier :

 function PetsController($scope, $log){
 	$scope.pets = [
      {name: 'Rover', species: 'Dog', age: 7},
      {name: 'Milo', species: 'Horse', age: 13},
      {name: 'Dolce', species: 'Cat', age: 1},
      {name: 'Mertle', species: 'Turtle', age: 134}

The output will be:

function PetsController(e,s){e.pets=[{name:"Rover",species:"Dog",age:7},{name:"Milo",species:"Horse",age:13},{name:"Dolce",species:"Cat",age:1},{name:"Mertle",species:"Turtle",age:134}],console.log(s)}

Now Angular will attempt to find the servies named e and s. But, it won't find them.

"To allow the minifiers to rename the function parameters and still be able to inject the right services, the function needs to be annotated with the $inject property. The $inject property is an array of service names to inject." Angular Dependency Injection

This will insure all depenendencies are injected, even after minification.

  // make sure minification doesn't loose our dependencies.
  PetsController.$inject = ['$scope','$log'];



API Documentation

Angular type of Dependency Injection